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Author109th ST - Lvl 6
Post scores , GL :)
waves in l/u/r/d

1.18 demons all sides
2.1 invoker u,d and 9 succubi l,r
3.-,2 black knights , 50 spiders , 12 gmb
4.13 orc chiefs l,r and 25 ghosts u,d
5.28 demons , 11 beholders , 2 brilliant uni,8 stoneeater
6.18 centaur outriders u,d
7.14 crusaders all sides , up monster crusader.
8.3 dreadbanes u,d and 95 hobs l,r
9.2 efrreti sultans all sides
10.1 devil , 30 magogs , 81 fairies , 1 beholder monster rally (40 plain wolves)
11.2 hell reapers all sides
imposible after the hell reapers they cast delay on my invaders and then piss me 18086 score (multi)
12. 71 spiders , 12 magi , - , 41 forest keepers
closed by ElfPride (2013-06-24 08:07:11)
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