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Author[108 Survival Tournament] [level 10]
best of luck to all .
post waves , orbs and scores .
lets go !
I have not played yet, but I translated the first waves from ru forum. I guess it's LURD:

1. Priests monster - 10 priests - 10 priests - 10 priests (attack orb)
2. 2 thrones all sides (defence orb)
3. 57 renegade magicians - 2 archangels - 57 renegade magicians - 2 archangels (attack orb)
4. 27 frontier ursary - 31 cerberi - 27 frontier ursary - 31 cerberi (speed orb)
5. 496 goblins - 217 spawns - goblin monster - 217 spawns (defence orb)
dead at wave 5
21k - de
very very tough ST ...
no more commemts
didnt even get the max exp
Player banned by moderator Wertz until 2013-06-11 15:43:42 // FR #1.7
closed by ElfPride (2013-06-19 17:45:24)
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