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Author[108 ST] [level 9]

2 pit demons - 43 fiends - 27 EFK - 48 ghouls
orb of arrows

86 mountain sentries - 12 priests - 1 levianthan - 33 modern golems
orb of recruitement (17 air elementals)

13 liz chargers - 77 spawns - 3 crazed trolls - 4 cave demons
orb of recruitement (110 spawns)

76 lodestone golems - 78 crusaders - 21 rocs - 106 wardens
orb of agility

52 berserkers on all sides
orb of attack

19 druids - 49 raiding harpies - 19 - 49
orb of agility

2 antichrists - 76 tempered centaurs - 5 invokers - 69 bears
orb of arrows

barb scores plz i got 51k
8. 3 Leviathan - 14 monk -3 Leviathan - 14 monk
orb defence
9. 3 archangels - 228 spearmen - 295 zombies - 23 unicorns
orb mana
10. 4 x 16 dark witch
orb mana
11. 18 black knights - 147 wolfhound - 126 modern golem - 104 grandmastrbow
orb agility
closed by ElfPride (2013-06-19 17:45:32)
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