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Authormaking your hero look like somethig els ? cost so much?
ive heard that to make your hero look diffrent like this guy lets say https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=363574 cost u 1300+ $ is this for real ???
Yeah, it's a UCI, I'm not sure what the current price is, but Alyna, one of the people who used to be #1 back whilst serving Her Empire (Long live Her Empress,) got 1 for being the person with the most exp.
Also, one was awarded to the person who first achieved Commander's Guild 1. Not sure who that is either.
Yes you can, it is called a unique character image and it costs 1500 diamonds.
why so much lol ? and ppl really pay this or just being rewarded or something ?
^A few have been rewarded most have paid.
You are comissioning someone to do a professional quality piece of artwork. Look at an art gallery and see the prices, then ask if it is too much.

I would never dream of paying that kind of money for a UCI as I don't have the spare cash, but it is not an unreasonable price for what it is.
well like the link i sowed at top its just copy paste but anyways i guss ppl are crazy or just made this game their life :P
made this game their life

After playing for 4-5 years,it will become part of your life.
also an extra perimeter point can make all the difference especially in lower levels
Player banned by moderator Dragon Eater until 2013-05-21 13:44:41 // posting with additional character, relapse
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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