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Authorwarlog2table script
Is warlog2table script still working? It's not working to me for at least one month. And i don't find any information to how editing or fix it or something like that.
it's working for me. try uninstalling and then installing again
It shows me like an error: "all scritp should specify @grant metadata" when i refresh my combat log page. Also, on my user scripts in greasemonkey it looks like "HWMCOM_warlog_2_Table null", i think "null" means its not working at all. Im using Mozilla Firefox, btw. Sry for my english.
I find the source of the problem. I deleted all shortcuts that the game offers, and script started to work again. A shortcut that take me directly to my combat log was the problem. Problably the script found another "www.lordswm.com/warlog.php" on the web data, or aomething like that.
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