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AuthorUnholy Insight Tournament [CL 10]
1. 1 Green Dragon LR, 28 Guardians UD, Speed Orb
2. 99 Lizard Cub L, 43 Wold Raider U, 117 Spearmen R, 143 Spider D, Ally Orb: 76 Tempered Centaurs R
3. 83 Sprites LR, 117 Skeletal Legionnaires UD, Speed Orb
4. 45 Giant Lizards ALL, Mana Orb
5. 226 Skeletal Crossbowmen ALL, Defense Orb
6. 31 Sharpshooters LUR, Sharpshooter Monster D, Health Orb
7. 68 Bears LR, 34 Stonegnawers UD, Defense Orb
8. 24 Druid L, 2 Magma Dragon UD, Druid Monster R, Attack Orb
9. 487 Brutes L, 146 Beholders U, 664 Imps R, 51 Lizard Assailants D, Resurrection Orb
well, anyone go beyond round 9? I can find a way, maybe necromancers could give some advise?
10. 83 enforcers/213 rebels/83 enforcers/rebels monster(753hp, 8 def) (arrow)
11. 4*11 sphynx warriors (atk)
12. 4*3 jade dragons (res)
13. 160 berserkers all sides
score: 60k
closed by ElfPride (2013-04-25 05:00:08)
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