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AuthorNew creatures in game
2013-04-08 19:32[Full] [Chat]: Noxine[12] vs Phoenixes-monster {0}


anybody else found some new ones?
so maybe conflux is the next faction...?
phoenixes were found long back

I think Summon phoenix is gonna be the nature level 5 spell,
not the tier 7 creature of a faction.
Phoenix has 777 hp(and 2*777 when i count with rebirth), so i dont think, that he will be standard tier 7 monster. But Conflux faction would be nice of course :).
the story with the phoenix is dat it rose from the volcano in our old empire..and it followed us here.
for Knight Walker:
no it didn't.It was sent by Archmage Sorish to guide us to .ru
The story of .com Empire began with the Phoenix
and ended with it =)

Symbolic isn't it :-P
lol look at it -

I remember seeing those infantrymen in ru. quite some time ago. It was like a group hunt or an event I dont remember.
I hope those infantrymen are a new faction called (Military) <--
Just joking, But still, That'd be soo fun to play as xD
Anyone got a link of a battle with them in?
they are super old, from 2008 or 2009 or something.
for Mr. wand

Thank you, but I meant the infantrymen :p
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