yes but:
3.11. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a third party), combats (including those with other players involved) and "Two Towers" games between multiple characters of one person are prohibited.
3.13.6. Additional characters are not allowed to buy, trade or exchange insignia, and rare/set artifacts.
Rare artifacts are any items that are not displayed in the Artifact shop and that cannot be acquired in hunt. Shop artifacts of increased durability are not rare artifacts and may be traded by additional characters.
Additional characters can enter the Thieves' Guild using diamonds, TGIs may not be bought by them. Additional characters may trade rare artifacts obtained in chests of abundance, TGIs obtained through reaching TG level 5, Thief, Plunderer, Ranger, and Tactician sets artifacts obtained through leveling in respective guilds, but only at the market as auction for 3 days with initial price of 1 gold and no buyout price.
So in general just for shop arts or anything which can be got from a hunt.
Rare arts cannot be bought and need to be sold as detailed above. |