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Author103rs Survival tournament combat level (nine , 9 )
Good luck all please post scores , as no one will post waves here are some from . ru : A-B-P-N
1) 74 horned demon srunov-6-37-51 prizes spontaneous Garga
2) 33 warrior naeminika-22-1 sniper forest archdemon Berserker monster (452 x)
3) Steel Golem monster (767hp) peasant-monster (1089hp) -47 steel golem-454 farmer
4) 2 angels everywhere
5) 23 mage-46 hellhounds-23-46 mage hellhounds
6) 42 rider of FMD-168 shooters mercenary-37-12 daughters of the sky adsikh priests
7) 186-175 skeleton warriors zombie-74-15 privatization liches
8) 7 palov-3-devil-7palov 3dyavola
9) all 10 dark wyverns
10) 15-378 Inca militia-10-170 caves chum.zombi
11) 4 colossus 16 followers 17 200 mountain thunder guard
12) 130 4 harpies hippo 130-4 areas: 1) Risen 2) Mana 3) Friendly 4) Speed ​​5) Arrows 6) Initiative 7) Arrows 8) Attack 9) Attack 10) Risen 11) 30% to health 12) Attack
26k with min ap with knight,
closed by ElfPride (2013-04-01 04:34:13)
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