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AuthorCongratulations Dragon Eater
Fellow Lords and Ladies;

Today a great contributor to our server, Dragon Eater, has attained a spectacular achievement. While often seen answering questions and providing guidance to those in need amongst the depths of Queries and Help, a little known fact about this lord is that he enjoys making waves within the communities.

His latest achievement is one often overlooked in our society. Yet it is one which many players, even the best of battlers have never, (and will never), themselves achieve.

Today, my friends, Dragon Eater has shown himself to posess the absolute skills of patience and timing to prove that he is indeed a true lord.

Today, Dragon Eater against all odds, beat each and every so called 'flooder' to attain the holy grail - 14,000 posts in the flooder thread.

This monumental effort is not to be understated. For how many chances does one have to attain the 14,000th post in a flooder thread? It is just as elusive as attaining the 13,999th post or the 13,998th post...

In achieving this feat, Dragon Eater has secured himself a place amongst other long-standing Sages and who also enjoy making waves in this community;
Corey (Dizbe) - For his 5,000th post - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1857888&page=249#29198923
Edwin - For his 10,000th post - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1915194&page=499#29879774

Dragon Eater, I salute you. As I hope many others will do. Through your efforts and your outstanding achievement, you have shown that flooding is as dead as we desire it to be.

Therefore, Lords and Ladies, please join me in saying congratulations to Dragon Eater for his wonderful achievement.
Congratz Dragon Eater, lets see how soon you will now get 20k posts, we can even bet on the time taken by you xD
Thank you so much, Corey. I am so glad that you acknowledge my incredible accomplishment, and I am proud to have accomplished what you and Edwin have done a while back. Lastly, congratulations to you for getting the 13999th post!
Gratz :)
Congrats :)
lol... well done mate:)

how to call you? sage DE or flooder DE :P
What's this...?
congratz! :)
lol gratz Xd
Wait what am i seeing? O.o
ive got many 1000s posts too, am the most active flooder at the moment. I even fought for the thread, being the Guardian of Peace. Perhaps, I never saw such words written to me -.- nor a thread.
Grats kiddo and make sure u make a thread too when I do such stuff :P
https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1915194&page=555#30152710 <- and all i got was 11111.

This section would be flooded one day :D
Gratz! :)
gratz DE, you're a legend by own merit :)
A bit silly to congratulate people on these things but whatever
congratz :))
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