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Author[103rd ST][CL 7]
Good luck to all :)

(I wont ask you to post waves because I know no one will)
Assume L/U/R/D Unless specified

1) 3 chieftains U/D and 7 Mino Glads L/R
2) 1 spawn L and 56 Spawns other sides
3) 70 Demons , 142 goblin archers , 96 skelly bow , 49 grotesques

Rally orb: 3 trolls

4) 1 unholy knight L/R
5) 82 Sprites , 8 unicorns , 21 mino soldiers , 1 green dragon
6) 29 lodestone L/R and 24 orcs U/D
7) 8 anchorites , 18 stone eaters , 17 cerberi , 30 magogs
8) 4 efreeti sultans all sides
9) 71 sharpshooter U/D and 51 brawlers L/R
10) 17 succubi L/R and 48 sharpshooter U/D
11) 60 centaur outriders L/R and 16 ogre magi U/D
12) 433 sentries up down , 15 ladons left , 1 ladon monster right (1430 hp)
Any Wizard score?
any barb score?
Participants level: 7
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (5 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (5)
Highest score: [Wizard] 22990
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

Any wizzy scores?
closed by ElfPride (2013-04-01 04:34:42)
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