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How do Rocs transport troops??
I am unable to do it...
Please help..
They can only transport those troops which are maximum 2*their strength

(4 rocs can only transport max 8 small creature).
ya... but how??
I mean what button we have to press??
Player banned by moderator Lord hpsim until 2013-03-21 16:06:21 // 1.7. Additional characters are not allowed to leave messages at the "Main forums" (warning)
yellow coloured face
Topic moved from "Off-game forum" to "Queries and help".
when Rocs turn comes, you can see a HELMET symbol in a square box in the righ bottom corner. near wait, Defend option.
click that and click on some other creature. then see
closed by parichayboss (2013-03-21 21:15:09)
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