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i just lost 100k in roulutte! can i get some tips and tricks how to suceed in it plzzz
1st tip from me... never play again, in the long run nobody who has played roulette earns money
Roulette is designed for the person controlling the spins to take money away from the person making the bets.

LWM roulette is functioning exactly as it was designed to so the only way not to lose all your gold is not to play.

100k is a valuable lesson.
just think how much real time you invested to earn that 100.000 gold.

then think what equipment you could have bought with that 1000.000 gold.

now read #3 again.
I was up 700k once. Got greedy and lost it all. ALL of it. Needless to say, I don't play anymore.
don't ever play roulette... I played for a short time in the past and went down 60k gold and decided that was enough... and I haven't made a bet since :)

P.S I still wish i had that 60k gold...
smart guys dont earn their wealth from roulette.

it is foolish for someone to bet everything on luck.
smart guys dont earn their wealth from roulette.
Once that you've understood that the average folk loose gold (would it be IRL or not) because games and gains are designed that way, it seems obvious to me that one should never do this. Unless you just do it because you find some enjoiement in it - after all why not. But, just don't expect to win gold - stats are stronger than you.
[Post deleted by moderator Dragon Eater // bad advice]
for barb_ruler:
The number sometimes appear after 10 spins, sometimes after 100 spins and sometimes even after 500 spins... It's still only about your luck.

I've never played roulette with this char and I don't feel to be poor (regardless of how much gold you can see in my profile).
I also do not play roulette unless sure no loss, I do not play roulette for profit but rather thrill.
And if you keep betting on a specific number, the chances are you will lose, it is about luck and intuition I feel
Just keep gambling, you'll find out the hard way.
Just keep gambling, you'll find out the hard way.

It would help a lot if the advice wouldn't come from someone that lost over 200k in roulett.
It would help a lot if the advice wouldn't come from someone that lost over 200k in roulett.

Its 150k and thats from over 2 years ago.
And it makes no sense what you say, if you have a roulette problem you should go ask people that had roulette problems in the past but "cured" from them.
People that don't play roulette don't know how it feels so they can't help. In other words you can't help any one here.
So Arghmage, no point in what you're saying.
As post #3 says, there are no tricks in roulette that will guarantee success. The odds are against the players, so in the long run they will most likely lose gold. If you play roulette to get gold, you should stop. The only reason I see for playing roulette is for the fun, but just remember that you are likely to have losses.
closed by Dragon Eater (2013-03-15 18:19:55)
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