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Author101 ST results
4th lv 13 barb, 6th lv 13 elf, 13th lv 13 knight. didn't place in de as it was bad attempt.

2nd lv 12 de
6th lv 12 elf
8th lv 12 demon
didn't place as necro on 12.
I did 1 attempt each faction except elf lv 13 and demon lv 12. both were 2 attempts.
My multi came 2nd lvl 5 knights! :)
Good God, look at level 14 tribal O_O
i came 8th at lvl 10 knight (2 serious attempt) and 25th or so at lvl 11, only 1 attempt and not very serious.
I got into the top 10% in CL 10 knights and CL 8 barb , CL 4 tribal with multis
1,298,000 score.... wtf... and he is only fsl 6 XD
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-03-04 07:47:04 // FR#4.4 (warning)
Top 10% Level 13 Knight
Top 10% Level 9 DE
lol nice rally orbs in lv 14 ST 375 vamp lizs are almost impossible to defeat, also got 155 mistresses, 185 demiliches, 1344 faires, 25 trees and 303 liz cavalry XD
I brought a bronze medal to .com in wizard level 5 :)
at level 15 and as a wizard the first 6 ranks are for .russian player who has level 11 wizard and DU there's no chance to overcome them as a .com player
11. So why not get the DU? Seems like you can afford it.
but still I won't have any chane to be in top 3
Top10% Level 3 Elf
Top10% Level 5 Elf
Was my first attempt and....not a bad result :-)
And why I didn't attempt Level 4!
personally im happy with geting the incentive prize this time i got 15K from it
closed by ElfPride (2013-03-18 05:11:08)
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