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Author[Lease][Shop Arts level 3-12]

Reprisal sword - 40g
Sword of retribution - 85g
Equilibrium blade - 110g
Sword of might - 170g
Mithril longsword - 305g
Ruby gladius - 310g

Leather helmet - 25g
Chain helmet - 50g
Steel helmet - 70g
Light mithril coif - 95g
Heavy mithril coif - 115g

Leather harness - 55g
Hauberk - 80g
Steel cuirass - 85g
Light mithril cuirass - 115g
Platemail - 155g
Fulmitril armour - 165g

Leather boots - 40g
Galoshes of battle - 35g
Steel boots - 115g
Light mithril boots - 165g
Heavy mithril boots - 150g

Defender's dagger - 140g
Defender shield - 40g
Dragon shield - 175g
Tower shield - 185g

Scout's cape - 20g
Short bow - 20g
Longbow - 160g
Cape of arcane protection - 125g
Cape of magical power - 290g
Composite bow - 190g

Medal of bravery - 30g
Amulet of luck - 50g
Pendant of despair - 155g
Warrior pendant - 205g

Ring of inspiration - 120g
Ring of doubt - 215g
Signet-ring of might - 245g

While stocks last!
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