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Authornot returning loan
_warlord_ i have given him 15k but he is not returning plzz help!!!
Nothing can be done now, except him being penalized for it
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2013-02-09 17:34:39 // No third party comments / discussions in CaA
just a good advise do not borrow money to a roulette player!

and then i can tell you that i have also giving him a loan long time ago
i got my money back but it took more time that it should so i think that if u wait long enough u will get your money back, but it is still bad that he dont return in time :(
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2013-02-09 17:35:46 // No third party comments / discussions in CaA
yes u r right
so then penalty money cant be mine empire can transfer it to me??
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2013-02-09 17:36:44 // No third party comments / discussions in CaA
no empire cannot transfer it to u
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2013-02-09 17:37:40 // No third party comments / discussions in CaA
but he should . he is the creator he should make justice :(
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2013-02-09 17:38:35 // No third party comments / discussions in CaA
Why you give loans?? Pffff... You will never see that money again now learn from your own mistakes and never again loan to strangers and roulette players.
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2013-02-09 17:39:17 // No third party comments / discussions in CaA
ok thnx
he is now saying that he will return it now as he away for like 1 month
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