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AuthorNew Faction "Arch Mage" ^^ please read :)
>>My idea from 1 year ago about new faction. Hope LordSwm can creat this faction ^^

>>>Idea for LordSwm<<<

~~~New faction~~~

Arch Mage(wand)

Their advantage is their magic. Dark magic, holy magic, nature magic, and chaos magic is the best way for this troops to force the enemy. Each troop can do the variation of magic and have a chance to deal fatal damage to enemies with "Magic Critical". The Lord can do magic too, all magic, and can unlock based on lord’s level. If you think magic is your way, choose this faction and feel the experience.
Arch mage always trying to learn better magic than another faction have. They wanna be the best magician in the world with their findings new skill for their awesome magic.

***Unique racial abilities***
*Magic Critical
This awesome skill to raise magic damage to enemies. This ability allow your troops to do double magic in one hit without consume double mana. The Lord can't do this ability.
The chance of dealing magic critical 3%+2%*[Arch mage skill level]

1) Dark mage (Look like gremlins engineer but use wand in their hand and use dark cloth with dark wizard cap)
>>att:3, def:4, damage:2-2, hp:10, inisiatif:10, speed:3, shott:5, mana:20, range:6.
>>ability : shooter, caster (delay,curse,dirsuption ray), mass shoot (This creature can shoot with 3x3 area and all troops in that area get same damage)
>>upgrade become :
"Arch Dark Mage"
>>att:6, def:8, damage:3-4, hp:12, inisiatif:11, speed:5, shott:7, mana:40, range:6.
>>ability : shooter, caster (delay,curse,dirsuption ray, decay, weakness, confusion,berserk), (This creature can shoot with 3x3 area and all troops in that area get same damage), power caster(this creature can cast all magic that they have to 1 troop in 1 cast, mana cost:40)
2) Holy mage (Look like gremlins engineer but use wand in their hand and use yellow cloth with yellow wizard cap)
>>att:3, def:4, damage:2-2, hp:10, inisiatif:10, speed:3, shott:5, mana:20, range:6.
>>ability : shooter, caster (rapid,bless,stoneskin), cure (This creature can heal living party troops within resurrect them and recovery their mana. This ability will not give effect if the lord of party defeated. Power of heal: 3*caster perish, mana cost: 3 ).
>>upgrade become :
"Arch Holy Mage"
>>att:6, def:8, damage:3-4, hp:12, inisiatif:11, speed:5, shott:7, mana:40, range:6.
>>ability : shooter, caster (rapid,bless,stoneskin,dispertion,evasion,chastise,teleport), mass cure(This creature can heal the living creature within ressurect them and recovery their mana with range 3x3. This ability will not give effect if the lord of party defeated. Power of cure 3*caster perish, mana cost: 6).
3) Nature mage (Look like gremlins engineer but use wand in their hand and use green cloth with green wizard cap)
>>att:3, def:4, damage:2-2, hp:10, inisiatif:10, speed:3, shott:5, mana:20, range:6.
>>ability : shooter, caster (magic punch, raise dead, wasp swarm, earth quake), mana destroyer.
>>upgrade become :
"Arch Nature Mage"
>>att:6, def:8, damage:3-4, hp:12, inisiatif:11, speed:5, shott:7, mana:40, range:6.
>>ability : shooter, caster (magic punch, raise dead, wasp swarm, earth quake, summon phantom, fire wall), mana shiphon, mana convey.
4) Chaos mage (Look like gremlins engineer but use wand in their hand and use red cloth with red wizard cap)
>>att:3, def:4, damage:2-2, hp:10, inisiatif:10, speed:3, shott:5, mana:20, range:6.
>>ability : shooter, caster (magic arrow,earthen spike,lightning), magic shield 50%.
>>upgrade become :
"Arch chaos Mage"
>>att:6, def:8, damage:3-4, hp:12, inisiatif:11, speed:5, shott:7, mana:40, range:6.
>>ability : shooter, caster (magic arrow,earthen spike,lightning,fire ball, chain lightning), immune to elemental magic (all elemental
closed by yopiwizard (2013-02-03 13:17:44)
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