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AuthorWhat is W.A.S.?
So, what is W.A.S.?

Of course, the direct meaning of this abbreviation is "Wolf's Ass - Samurai". Many of you will tell - this is rude, get it off the forums! However, I suggest we get a closer look on this phenomena.

First of all, it is necessary to remark that wolf's ass, though a part of the wolf, is a standalone entity, separated from wolf, but living with him in symbiotic relationship. What is interesting, Wolf's Ass lived in Japan for many years where it studied martial arts and became a honorable Samurai. However, the Wolf himself has never been in Japan. How is that even possible with the two halves of one non-dividable entity, is still a major mystery for the science.

Second fact, deserving major attention, is the mathematical property of ass itself. Wolf's Ass = Wolf's Ass, however the Ass of Wolf's Ass = Wolf! We can derive from here that WAS is the reverse function of itself: Ass (Ass(Wolf) = Wolf!

But the biggest enigma for science and human mind in general is, of course, the appearance of this elusive Wolf's Ass, cause to imagine a backside of the wolf with a tail, which is also a Samurai... There are only two paws and a tail there, so how does it wield katana, and who is deciding what to do and where to move - the Wolf or his Ass?

(c) crock
Translated by Worf
so how does it wield katana, and who is deciding what to do and where to move - the Wolf or his Ass?

His ass obviously :xD
what is the point of this topic? Why do you care soo much? -_-
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