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Authorthief caravan difficulty
Seems caravans are much harder then before merge or am i imagining this?
Also a lot less xp now and more skill points but i guess that's been discussed.

Looks like it will take a while until i get them down to a winnable level again... :(
Yes they are.
People say it's not worth in min AP anymore, but I didn't try it yet, so I can't confirm that.
Yeah out here difficulty of caravan wont increase in numbers but with hero artifacts.

Now with every win the hero will have stronger artifacts. So it's more of quality than quantity that you have to battle.

So at min AP its really tough to manage good wins. :p
Thieves' guild caravan stats have changed. Now, instead of increase of creature numbers, caravan character stats increase, to make it more difficult to fight with each defeat. Experience and faction skill points awarded in thieves' guild have been also changed to better.
The interesting is I have already done 49 ambushes and still haven't seen any difference in caravan's stats :) I guess the difference isn't a change from might dwarf to chaos dwarf, is it?

under updates 11th statement
try to equip more arts
i am lv 10, i made myself a combination of cheap arts, cca 210 gold/battle
and it is ok now
nice exp/fsp ratio, even when loosing i get better then when i was winning on .com
I guess wearing better arts will help with the xp/fsp but will do nothing regarding difficulty unless i am missing something.

Its just annoying it took me a few month to get caravans down to a winning level and now it seems i have to start all this again.

Last caravan gave me 500 xp and i was dead in no time...
If you equip better arts, your win rate will be higher.
Interesting ... how does that work?

I always assumed that the win ratio is exactly the same no matter if you wear min or fully enchanted arts.

Do caravans increase/decrease differently in difficulty depending on the arts you wear ???
for Goldberry:
The more fsp you gain when you are defeated, the greater is the weakening of caravans (they have general power coefficient).
Moreover there is some point when caravans don't get weaker anymore (I believe it's based on your combat level and TG level)
Thanks - that was news to me :)
Is that a new rule or did it already exist on the .com server before merge?
Is that a new rule or did it already exist on the .com server before merge?

It is new.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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