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AuthorApprox. Worth
yep friends once again


I also ask that is there someone who can teach me how to calculate the prices of enchanted and used items so that i dont have to make a thread again n again.

Thank u
Art price + price elements + greed seller
greed seller

Important Factor :xD
friends plz tell
Player banned by moderator Lord Khellendros until 2013-01-28 18:33:38 // Add. characters aren't allowed to post in main forums Relapse) + Bumping in QnH is not allowed
To calculate price artefacts is time consuming. So you cannot expect quick answers.

You have to calculate using these factors:
Item original cost
Elements needed for enchanting
Cost of enchanting (Often zero or you actually get money from enchanter)

With this you calculate [initial price]
Then you calculate how many uses you have before it will not be worth repairing any more.

Then you calculate the [cost per battle]

Then you subtract the [cost per battle]*[times used] from the [initial price]
and you will get the [current value]

It is time consuming to calculate and therefore don't expect quick answers :o)
approx 100k
To calculate price artefacts is time consuming. So you cannot expect quick answers.

You have to calculate using these factors:
Item original cost
Elements needed for enchanting
Cost of enchanting (Often zero or you actually get money from enchanter)

With this you calculate [initial price]
Then you calculate how many uses you have before it will not be worth repairing any more.

Then you calculate the [cost per battle]

Then you subtract the [cost per battle]*[times used] from the [initial price]
and you will get the [current value]

You also need to factor in the total cost of all repairs and smiths repair efficiency.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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