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Authorquestions about Contest grounds
I would like to participate in the near future on this "Contest grounds", on the .com forum i haven't found enough information about it.

- Can anybody post a combat link from "Contest grounds", best from lvl-8 (knight)

- Is there any award, except exp. and fsp.? (gold, resources, elements,...?)
here's mine.you play it only for exp and fsp.you don't get anything else
here's mine.you play it only for exp and fsp and fun you don't get anything else
thank you =)
#2 which attempt is it? (there're max 5 attemps/day)
#2 which attempt is it? (there're max 5 attemps/day)
#2 which attempt is it? (there're max 5 attemps/day)

It was his first attempt.
17. Contest grounds are available at Lizard Lowland, Shining Spring, Rogues' Wood, Titans' Valley and Mithril Coast locations since combat level 5. There are limits on ammunition (high AP threshold, but enchantments have no effect in those combats), and up to 5 daily attempts. Victories grant fair experience and faction skill points, but each victory increases the difficulty of next contestant, while defeat decreases it.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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