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AuthorClan registration: comprehensive guide
Clan creation process occurs in the following steps:

1. Move to the Empire Capital location.
2. Choose Public services section, then Clan registration.
3. Think up a clan name while taking given recommendations to consideration.
4. Input clan title and description into designed fields, then submit.
4.1. Please note that after the clan application has been approved, you will not be able to choose its title! Description may be changed any time.
4.2. At the moment of submitting clan application 60,000 gold is withdrawn from your account.
4.3. After that, the clan application is forwarded to Administration's consideration. The term of consideration is up to 14 days.
4.4. The status of your application may be viewed on the same page until a decision is made.
5. If your application is declined, the gold will not be refunded!
6. If your application is approved, you will be charged 40,000 gold to complete registration.
6.1. If the character does not have the 40,000 gold necessary for completing registration, the application becomes suspended. Repeated consideration may take a long time, so please make sure you always dispose of the necessary funds to complete registration.

Warning! The Administration does not refund application cost in case of erroneous applications. Be careful when submitting an application.
closed by Empire (2013-01-21 17:56:00)
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