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AuthorAdditional character violations
He is an additional account of slayerofall
3.13.6. Additional characters are not allowed to buy, trade or exchange rare/set artifacts and Thieves' Guild invitations(TGIs).
Rare artifacts are any items that are not displayed in the Artifact shop and that cannot be acquired in hunt.:
09-03-12 06:19: Transferred element(s): 'Meteorite shard' 4 pcs. to Antviolence . Transaction price: 7200 Gold, Commission 72: 4x1800 each
09-03-12 06:18: Transferred element(s): 'Abrasive' 5 pcs. to Antviolence . Transaction price: 1250 Gold, Commission 13: 5x250 each
09-03-12 06:18: Transferred element(s): 'Ice crystal' 2 pcs. to Antviolence . Transaction price: 5600 Gold, Commission 56: 2x2800 each
09-03-12 06:18: Transferred element(s): 'Fire crystal' 4 pcs. to Antviolence . Transaction price: 7200 Gold, Commission 72: 4x1800 each
09-03-12 06:18: Transferred element(s): 'Windflower' 7 pcs. to Antviolence . Transaction price: 20300 Gold, Commission 203: 7x2900each
09-03-12 06:18: Transferred element(s): 'Moonstone' 2 pcs. to Antviolence . Transaction price: 9800 Gold, Commission 98: 2x4900 each
09-03-12 04:42: Transferred element(s): 'Witch bloom' 4 pcs. to BrownBear . Transaction price: 400 Gold, Commission 4: 4x100 each
09-03-12 04:41: Transferred element(s): 'Viper venom' 5 pcs. to BrownBear . Transaction price: 500 Gold, Commission 5: 5x100 each
09-03-12 04:41: Transferred element(s): 'Toadstool' 7 pcs. to BrownBear . Transaction price: 1050 Gold, Commission 11: 7x150 each
09-03-12 04:41: Transferred element(s): 'Tiger`s claw' 1 pcs. to BrownBear . Transaction price: 2200 Gold, Commission 22: 1x2200
01-25-12 07:15: Sold item: "Mithril longsword [E9A9W9]" [44/60] for 300000 gold to female_paladin as lot #2976132. Commission: 3000
3.13.7. Additional characters are not allowed to interact with Estates in any way, i.e. buying or selling them (including betting on them on the auction), renting rooms, storing artifacts, etc.:
01-25-12 00:42: Rent paid: 100 gold (100/d) for room #3 until 00:41 01-26, Estates #2 (owner: binghuo).
01-10-12 00:53: Rent paid: 100 gold (100/d) for room #2 until 00:52 01-11, Estates #108 (owner: Warwick-the-wiz).
12-24-12 19:37: Transferred 35000 Gold 4 Gems 12 Crystals 4 Sulfur 12 Mercury 16 Ore to Empire, Commission charged: 350 : clearing up illegal transfers frompast
12-24-12 19:35: Transferred 100000 Gold 52 Gems 36 Crystals 56 Sulfur 52 Mercury 71 Ore 56 Wood to Empire, Commission charged: 1000 : clearing up illegal transfers frompast
12-24-12 19:33: Transferred 28000 Gold to Empire, Commission charged: 280 : clearing up illegal transfers frompast

that should compensate all the illegal transfers I did in the past. I was one of those noobs that never did read the rules until someone told me that some of the stuff I did was illegal and I stopped after that. I kindly ask to fine if neccesary, but pls not block.
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2013-01-02 16:25:27 // No bumping of threads in CaA]
closed by Arctic (2013-01-12 01:20:28)
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