• Repair •
¤ 70% efficiency for 55% cost
¤ Transfer art for 0.01 hours. Repair will begin after 55% cost is also transfered.
¤ Priority line: 60% cost, will be done ASAP (ahead of the regular waiting line)
• [Weaponsmith] • • • I will pay you back 500 gold for each element used • • •
¤ Earth elemental damage bonus 3%: 4 [Meteorite shard] + 4 [Toadstool] = 4000 gold back
¤ Air elemental damage bonus 3%: 4 [Windflower] + 4 [Witch bloom] = 4000 gold back
¤ Water elemental damage bonus 3%: 4 [Ice crystal] + 4 [Viper venom] = 4000 gold back
¤ Fire elemental damage bonus 3%: 4 [Fire crystal] + 4 [Tiger`s claw] = 4000 gold back
¤ Ignore target`s defense 3%: 4 [Moonstone] + 4 [Abrasive] = 4000 gold back |