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Authorbuying a item at 50 % of the price and refusing to send back
By mistake i sell a sword of might 15 800 to time_keeper
I propose 20000 to have it back he refuses
The real price is about 31000
You posted it in market and I bought it , I did not know you so I dont think it is unfair .
I have used it for 3 battles already and will only sell for 23k atleast sorry i fail to see it as unfair
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2012-12-24 02:50:11 // no 3rd party comments in CaA]
IMO you should return it but i want to know how does someone mistakenly post an art for half the price ?? Like posting an art which was for 10000 at 1000 i can believe is a mistake but posting an art which was for 10000 at 5000 is something i find wierd.. Still you should return it at the price you bought it and the loss of gold for 3 battles should not be counted.
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2012-12-24 02:49:05 // no 3rd party comments in CaA]
i think time_keeper is correct, he found a sword at a very good price, why shouldn't he bye it.And after he buys the swords, he is the legal owner irrespective of weather the item in question was under-priced or not.So if Time_keeper does not want to sell it, its his choice by right.
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2012-12-24 02:49:13 // no 3rd party comments in CaA]
this has happened to many
let me give you an example
my brother sold 30 toadstool for 150 a piece instead of 250 to a very reputed player in market but no never got them back eventhough he was ready to buy them 290 a piece
so sorry but i am not returning the sword unless i can sell it for 23.5k and you can make me offer but you will be delaying since i am fighter and i dont any other arts nor do i have any money left
and i gave you 2 other options to get back the sword instead of 23.5
i suggest returning it for the price you got it. I remember that a while back, bojoid91 was selling a rare artifact, and he meant to post it for 1 million+ gold, but he accidentally wrote 300k, and flour bought it. Flour didn't want to return it but he got fined a lot by empire AND had the art taken from him and given back to bojoiD91.

I'm not sure this will happen to you, but why risk it? You never know how far the admins will go with their punishments. Take Alyna's block for example. :)

P.S this is just adding additional info to this case, showing that admins do punish art buying at half or lower price.
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2012-12-24 02:49:36 // no 3rd party comments in CaA]
Topic moved from "Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles" to "Complaints and applications - Finance and others".
bojoid91 was selling a rare artifact, and he meant to post it for 1 million+ gold, but he accidentally wrote 300k, and flour bought it. Flour didn't want to return it but he got fined a lot by empire AND had the art taken from him and given back to bojoiD91.

This was a rare art, admins don't go so far with shop arts :P
[Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2012-12-27 00:03:50 // No 3rd party comments]
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