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Author[Buy][Thief artifacts][60/60]
Buy whole thief set arts price 200k.
pm me if sell 1 by 1. thx.
illegal for you:

3.13.6. Additional characters are not allowed to buy, trade or exchange rare/set artifacts and Thieves' Guild invitations(TGIs).
Rare artifacts are any items that are not displayed in the Artifact shop and that cannot be acquired in hunt.
Additional characters can enter the Guild using diamonds, but the TGIs and artifacts received as guild bonuses cannot be traded to other characters. We would like to remind you that additional characters only serve to get acquainted with the features of other factions

3.9.1. Additional characters are forbidden to post messages at the Main forums. Your communication identity is supposed to go through your main one.
as stated above.
closed by Lord Schwarzenegger (2012-12-14 00:24:53)
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