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AuthorA few ideas for this game
OK, I have been playing on this server for quite a while and I am actually surprised that it never actually managed to grow.

This is a wonderful game which has the potential to attract thousands of players, but...

The creators need to pay attention to this server!!!

First of all: More events, more events, more events...

Secondly: Obviously you guys want to make money. The way to do this is to sell things at prices people can actually afford to pay. I have been playing other online games and I am spending money on them, because things are cheap. I can purchase something that costs 2p or 5p or something like that. I dont even think about this cost. The trick is that I end up paying 10 or 20 times a week 5p, so it quickly adds up. Now, here things are totally different. 80 euros for a TGI? Jesus... I am never going to spend so much money in one go. It is pure psychology. My advice is simple. Add more features to this game and make them much much cheaper so that people dont really mind clicking the "buy" button often.

More tomorrow...
[Player banned by moderator STBs until 2012-12-10 05:16:13 // FR2.3. Please write a header that fully illustrates the contents of your post.]
well....+1 :)
+1 nice idea

Thirdly: While you learned how to do math, you failed common sense. :)

I wouldn't say 80 euros is too much, but just for a TGI? Now if TGIs were actually rare such as from diamonds only or if LG was removed, so buying one with gold becomes a crazy idea, then that's a different story.

Of course it wouldn't hurt if admins added a ton of micro-transaction products like the elixir for diamonds. Events wouldn't hurt either, but the main point is the lack of admin attention.
[Post deleted by moderator STBs // Off topic. Discussing mods actions.]

Continuing last night's discussion:

Well, 80 euros may or may not be much depending on who looks at it. For a 30 year old professional working in the west, it may be ok. But if this truly is a .com server, it should target people spanning a wider geographical and age range. Although iam at the 30+ age range, i would hatdly ley my hypothetical 10 year old son spend 80 euros in a single transaction. But 1-2 euros a week, sure why not. And even myself, i am fortunate enough to be able to afford such small luxuries, but i wont, simply because i think it is a bit too much. As i said, although in the long term i may end up spending even more, it is a psychology thing. You pay 1000 times 5p much easier than 50 pounds in one go.
If you ask me, I live in India and here, 1 euro is 70 rupees. So 80 diamonds will cost me 5600 Rs - I could use this money to buy 3-4 good PC games itself.
If you ask me, I live in India and here, 1 euro is 70 rupees. So 80 diamonds will cost me 5600 Rs - I could use this money to buy 3-4 good PC games itself.

This is true. Even if i wanted a TGI and i was earning i would certainly think a lot before spending 5.6k rupees in 1 go. I would rather buy a few PC or PS3,X-Box,etc games. Just my opinion though ....
This is true. Even if i wanted a TGI and i was earning i would certainly think a lot before spending 5.6k rupees in 1 go. I would rather buy a few PC or PS3,X-Box,etc games. Just my opinion though ....

Well, the PS2 now comes at 6k Rs. :p I'd rather get it :p
Well, 80 euros may or may not be much depending on who looks at it.
I was comparing it to the cost of other games :p

If you're going to bring in people's income, then you might as well use someone on welfare vs the billionaires :p

The reason why I said you failed common sense is that even though you realized the math makes you spend more in the long term for those micro-transactions, you still choose the higher price. Whenever an advertisement/salesperson try to sell me something by breaking down the math to per day or per month cost, I purposely multiply out the full cost for a reasonable duration that I would use their service. I use the same math and reasoning whether it's about cable tv, cell phone contract, daily coffee, daily going out for lunch, car loan, etc. Why? Because it doesn't matter whether I pay in a lump sum or over time (though I do take into account my ability to pay, inflation, opportunity cost), I'm still paying for it.

For those referring to console games, I would also factor in the cost of the console (and associated accessories) as part of the game price :p

But for the topic, I'm still for micro-transactions. For example some kid in India might only get 1 euro per week allowance. Obviously affording a TGI would take a long time, so if admins added low priced items, then that kid would be able to use that money.
80 euros for a TGI? Jesus... I am never going to spend so much money in one go. It is pure psychology. My advice is simple. Add more features to this game and make them much much cheaper so that people dont really mind clicking the "buy" button often.

Absolutely True

I payed a lot in other games in form of 5$ each time
but did that a lot of times.now that i'm looking at it,its about 150-200$ :p

its a trick game developers use... but seems russians are not aware of it:p
Well, 80 euros may or may not be much depending on who looks at it.

80 euros is a way too much (especially spent in one transaction), if I compare with other games' prices then just imagine what You could buy from 80 euros:

- PS2 or a 'used' PS3
- 3 top quality PC games (any of them could be online games also)
- bonuses for a couple of months in free online games - i won't name any here :)

So do You prefer a TGI better?
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // off-topic]
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