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AuthorPlease anyone expalin it clearly.
Cape of winds has 25% air shield.

How it helps, 25% shield for 'melee only' or 'magic only' or 'both'.
magic only
And specifically, air elemental magic damage.
if the attack has air element then it reduces the damage. Like magic arrow. If attacker has enchanted arts then it affects melee also.
for TheKnightsss:

The 25% air shield will apply a 25% reduction to all that does air damage: air magic spells, air melee attacks, air ranged attacks. All other types of damage won't be reduced.
air melee attacks
the dive is effected??
are you sure about this??
i think its only for magic..
25% range resist... no way
By air melee attacks, air ranged attacks he is referring to any additional air damage from melee and ranged attacks with weapons which are enchanted with air elemental damage.
Magic shield M%:
This creature takes M% less elemental damage.

Found here - https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=32

Enchanters Guild can give "Air elemental damage bonus"

Found here - https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=39

Magic Arrow, Lightning and Chain Lightning deal "Air elemental damage".

Found here - https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=31

Air Shield specifically reduces Air Elemental damage, whether dealt by spell or as a damage bonus for combat damage (although only the elemental component of the damage is protected against).

Examples -

Magic Arrow spell might normally do, say, 200 Air Elemental damage. If you are wearing a Cape of Winds (25% Air Shield) that damage is reduced to 150 damage instead, if the spell is directed against one of your creatures (assuming no other sources of Air Shield/Resistance).

A creatures strike would do, say, 200 damage. It's Hero has a +10% Air Elemental damage bonus from a weapon enchantment. Normally this would cause the strike to deal 220 points of damage (that's 200 normal damage plus 20 Air Elemental damage). With 25% Air Shield this damage would be 215 points instead. The 20 bonus Air Elemental damage is reduced to 15 points of Air Elemental damage by the 25% Air Shield, while the 200 normal damage remains unaffected.

thanks for the details
By air melee attacks, air ranged attacks he is referring to any additional air damage from melee and ranged attacks with weapons which are enchanted with air elemental damage.
quite clear now :D
for Grunge:
With 25% Air Shield this damage would be 215 points instead.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought a few years ago there was a change to weapon enchants in which only armor enchants would reduce the elemental damage. So your example would be wrong because the cape of winds would be useless against the weapon enchantment.
I'd forgotten all about that one.

3) Innate magical resistances of creatures, Barbarians' unique racial Magic proof and artifacts granting magic resistances now only have 10% of their usual effect in relation to enchanted weapons. Note that Armorer enchantments keep their full efficiency against Weaponsmith enchantments.

Found here - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1868152

Which essentially means that unless you have Armour Artifact Enchantments the Elemental Resistance is almost pointless against Weapon Enchantments.

Even a Black Dragon would take 90% of the Elemental Damage inflicted by Weapon Enchants. Unless the does not take elemental damage part of "Immune to Magic" has any real effect. It's hard to tell these days

Immune to magic:
This creature is unaffected by any kind of magic, be beneficial or harmful. It does not take elemental damage.

It would probably be useful for the Admins to add that change (and the Jewellery triple piercing effect - found here - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1890457) into the Enchanters Guild Description. Having these changes in multiple obscure places makes it harder to provide a simple reference to allow people to check the info for themselves.


This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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