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Author[71 ST] - 4CL
waves and orbs'll be in an hour;)
Cool ST

* - I know this, but until i'll be sure about gold, i'll not tell;)


1. 1 boar riders -1 boar riders -1 boar riders - 1 boar riders
2. 6 Incendiaries - 6 Incendiaries - 6 Incendiaries - 6 Incendiaries (Res+ Def)
3. 1 water elemental – 0 – 6 gogs – 0
4. 1 orc chief – 0 – 1 orc chief – 0 (Def)
5. 1 blazing hond – 2 appiritions - 1 blazing hond - 2 appiritions
6. 35 skeletons - 35 skeletons - 35 skeletons - 35 skeletons (Arrows)
7. 5 crossbowmen – 0 - 5 crossbowmen - 0
8. 0 – 19 zombies - 0 - 19 zombies (Def)
9. 3 orcs – 2 stonegnawers - 3 orcs - 2 stonegnawers
10. 3 magi – 0 – 3 magi – 0 (Def)
11. 7 rangers - 7 rangers - 7 rangers - 7 rangers
12. 1 fire elemental – 2 anchorites - 1 fire elemental - 2 anchorites (Dam)
13. 2 hydras - 2 hydras - 2 hydras - 2 hydras
14. * - * - * - * (*)
15. * - * - * - *
16. I’ll open it ;)

1. 1 boar riders -1 boar riders -1 boar riders - 1 boar riders
2. 6 Incendiaries - 6 Incendiaries - 6 Incendiaries - 6 Incendiaries (Res+ Def)
3. 1 water elemental – 0 – 6 gogs – 0
4. 1 orc chief – 0 – 1 orc chief – 0 (Def)
5. 1 blazing hond – 2 appiritions - 1 blazing hond - 2 appiritions
6. 35 skeletons - 35 skeletons - 35 skeletons - 35 skeletons (Arrows)
7. 5 crossbowmen – 0 - 5 crossbowmen - 0
8. 0 – 19 zombies - 0 - 19 zombies (Def)
9. 3 orcs – 2 stonegnawers - 3 orcs - 2 stonegnawers
10. 3 magi – 0 – 3 magi – 0 (Def)
11. 7 rangers - 7 rangers - 7 rangers - 7 rangers
12. 1 fire elemental – 2 anchorites - 1 fire elemental - 2 anchorites (Dam)
13. 2 hydras - 2 hydras - 2 hydras - 2 hydras
14. 5 stonegnavers - 6 elven bowmen - 5 stonegnavers - 6 elven bowmen
15. * - * - * - *
16. * - * - * - *
17. mmm, have some chance to open;)
Any Demons? i have 5k score
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (5)
Highest score: [Wizard] 5929
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

=( - if i'd knew the orb at 16th, it was 6.5+ =( and openning 17th =(
i dunno my score.not more than 3k.i only reach wave 10
12. 1 fire elemental – 2 anchorites - 1 fire elemental - 2 anchorites (Attack)
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (5)
Highest score: 4134
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
closed by ElfPride (2012-11-26 05:41:59)
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