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Author71st Survival Tournament - Level 8
Good luck to all !!!
1)10 stonegnawers left , 2 demilich up , 12 rogues right
2) 20 elven up , 25 raiding harpies right , 52 bowmen down
3) 2 efreeti all sides.
4) 24 efk all sides.
5) 38 bears all sides
6)1 leviathan all sides
7) 17 ogre magi all sides
Please don't flood by posting each wave in different posts. It is better to post all of them in a single post after you finish your game first.
for REd-Pois0n:
thx for waves

1)10 stonegnawers left/-/12 rogues right/ 2 demilich
2)-/52 bowmen/25 raiding harpies/20 elven
3) 2 efreeti all sides
4) 1 monster Elite ForestKeeper / 24 efk on right, top, down.
5) 38 bears all sides
6)1 leviathan all sides
7) 17 ogre magi all sides
8)[Ogre/Ogre/Ogre(24)}]/Ogre boss 807HP
9) 24 boar riders left right , 1 archangels up down
10) 40 poisoners left right down , 1 poisoners monster up ( 300+ hp (forgot exact) )
11) 130 Venomous Spiders , 108 Bowmen , 100 Infected Zombies , 89 Grotesques
12) 7 Searing Horses all sides.
13) 77 Forest Keepers all sides
14) 45 Blazing Hounds all sides
closed by ElfPride (2012-11-26 05:44:08)
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