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Author71th Survival Tournament Level 5
Good luck
Highest score: Barb 11741; Dwarf 11320
give waves?
barb 12***
Demon 9k + and I should have done much better crappy luck triggers and gating rolls. WAve 12
The waves and orbs:

1) 0 - 2 boar riders - 0 - 2 boar riders
2) 1 hell horse - 0 - 1 hell horse - 0
3) 0 - 3 stonegnawers - 0 - 15 hobs
4) 0 - 3 minos - 0 - 3 minos
5) 7 modern golems everywhere
6) 13 rebels - 5 giant liz - 13 rebels - 5 giant liz
7) 3 air els - 21 bandit - 3 air els - 21 bandit
8) 6 lodestone golems everywhere
9) 39 skelxbows everywhere
10) 0 - 1 thunderbird - 0 - 1 thunderbird
11) 2 black knights - 43 gargs - 3 clerics - 17 EFK
12) 0 - 1 sphynx warrior - 0 - 1 sphynx warrior
13) 19 wolf riders everywhere, on the left monster (148 hp)
14)!!! 18 ren. magicians everywhere

2) defence
4) defence and arrows
6) attack (or mana?)
8) defence
10) 1 titan down
12) resurrect
14) resurrect

For barb (multi) - 11,5k without hobs and in min AP :ppp
very easy waves!! till 13 ofc :P
11k+ demons , 1 try only
none of the succubis gated :'(
11k+ as demon, Renagade magicians do 175 pt of electricity to wolfhounds with lightning, LOL
ouch no-one can get past wave 14
Dwarf score ?
oops, forgot to post mine :P
Its 11K+
annyone get the feeling that the top scores are all gunna be very close :) my guess 11k ;)
I have a bad feeling I finish 4th or fifth with 11.1k :)

I sems that that magician wave is the end one way or the other and the difference is if you are in shape going in you can get a few more points.
na the main difference is luck an wether you move before the magicians in my view :)
Participants level: 5
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (5 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (1)
Highest score: 9368 Wizard
ok guys any DE scores? plz post exact scores as this will be a very close tourney
Dwarf score ?
knight score? mine 11.8K
Anyone gt Dwarf score?
Participants level: 5
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (5 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (1)
Highest score: 5634
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
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