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AuthorWhere is the place for sell ( steel , nickel ,etc. ) ?
I need some info , and step by step to sell it !
Resources from machining facilities can only be sold at other facilities. It is impossible to transfer them or sell them on the market

Here is a list of all the facilities that buy nickel: https://www.lordswm.com/ecostat_details.php?id=10

Keep in mind that the facility has to have gold in order to buy your resource, and it also has to need your resource.
If i have a steel , and sold here , when i can sell it ?
You would be able to sell it under "Steel" and "Purchase" but since that facility does not have enough gold to buy steel, you do not have the option to sell it.

You also have to be in the same location as the facility to sell your resources to it.

If i have a steel , and sold here , when i can sell it ?

i totally cant understand what you trying to say

but if you mean how to sell:
1)the factory must have sufficient gold
2)the factory is lack of the material

only than you can sell it to the facility
closed by cluster_buster (2012-11-15 05:40:45)
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