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Authoraccount is hacked
someone has hacked my account, he changed my e-mail ID after 2 minutes of joining. This has happened also with my friend stupefy. Please help me and him.
yes same case
level 1 hacked ?
wat does hacker gain frm ur account?
just create a new email adress and a tough password and create new account.
1. Change your e-mail and password.

2. Don't save your password in your browser.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Complaints and applications - Finance and others".
Lol :P i find this hard to believe

wonder what hacker was thinking damn better get me some level 1 account ;)

lololololololololololololololol :):):):):):):):):):):)
[Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2012-10-27 03:53:25 // LR#1(C&A)+ Long string violation]
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