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Author[Lease][Shop Arts, 1-7lvl]
- Prices are without 1% TAX

Renting Artefacts_________________gold/battle

lvl 7
*sword of might (5 att,3% init,8AP)_150
*steel helmet (3 def,3AP)___________60
*steel cuirass (4 def,4AP)__________75
steel boots (4 def,4AP)____________93
*dragon shield (1 att,4 def,5AP)____147

lvl 5 and lower
*ring of impetuosity 2x (2% init,2AP)_75each
galoshes of battle (2 def,2AP)_______35
*shoes of aspiration (3% init,3AP)___73
*scout's cape (1AP)__________________18
defender shield (3 def,3AP)_________30
leather armor (1 def,1AP)___________17
leather hat (1 init,1AP)_____________17
*amulet of luck (1 luck,2AP)________45
medal of bravery (1 mor,2AP)______26
light axe (2 att,-1def,2AP)__________22

arts with * as set (30AP) = 700gold/battle
[Player banned by moderator Schwarzenegger until 2012-09-20 19:18:56 // Long string violation. Warning.]
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