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hi hi,

For the faction u are playing, which faction/s do u prefer as team mates while play 2v2 or 3v3?

For me, since I'm a knight, think I'll prefer a high initiative mates like Elf or DE as knights are rather low in initiative. Should be a good compliment to each other ...
I prefer not to be with a dwarf else its fine:)
In my opinion knight+wiz cant be stopped:)
Elf and DE cant be beaten :)
I love a knight partner :) i'm also a knight.
Playing as either necro or elf I find a wizard is a great pairing.
As a wizard, I love to be with a necro, or elf, they both are great. Necro are hard to kill and do good damage or have useful spells (if he is dark) and are hard to kill, so as wizards.

Elves are fast, they go killing everything, and with some support of magic, they are a great team.

I just don't like to have another wizard as a partner, 2 wizards are weak together.
I am a knight and I usually prefer a wiz as my partner. They can annihilate everything and I absorb the damage :).
I'm an elf and like either a barb or a wiz as my partner.
well, it all depends on who you're facing and what level you are,
personaly i find wiz to work good with almost everything except chaos (wiz/demon/de/dwarf) and to some extent holy.
I like wiz or dwarf as a partner
I like Barb too, but elf and barb being natural enemies, I dont prefer them much
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