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AuthorWizard Faction, stats, talents and tactics
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What would be the best talents for a wiz level 10? And also, how much mana should I have?
Why mana recovery is not working in ST ?Does it always like that or its a bug??
Why mana recovery is not working in ST ?Does it always like that or its a bug??

It is always like that. It isn't a bug.
Why mana recovery is not working in ST ?Does it always like that or its a bug??

It was made to prevent wizards to win the tournament. Hero could get all his mana back and rise his troops, (restore again his mana) while gargoleys just fly around.

It was made to prevent wizards to win the tournament. Hero could get all his mana back and rise his troops, (restore again his mana) while gargoleys just fly around.

False information since wizards compete against other wizards in ST...

It was made this way so battles wouldn't take forever (I remember some battles lasted 3 hours+) for wizard with endless mana.
for Erekose:

Well, for what I've heard, this was made for wizards don't reach the last wave in the tournament(as a necro with spirit link in .ru server did). If this is false, I dunno.

What would be the best talents for a wiz level 10? And also, how much mana should I have? =)
for _Sworks_:
You should make a balance with mana and survivability. If you die before you use all your mana, add more mana. If you get rid of all your mana before you die, you should add more mana.

That's what I do, even though I'm not an experienced ST player.
Thanks TBI :)

It wasn't for ST, but, that helps a lot. I think I'll stay with 4 kn (min ap) and use intellect/mana recovery when more mana is needed.
You should make a balance with mana and survivability. If you die before you use all your mana, add more mana. If you get rid of all your mana before you die, you should add more mana.

lol, in short: get some mana!! ;D

(maybe you meant "add more power"?)
What talents for a level 7 Wizard for GB's, and for ST's?

For GB I was using Basic Sorc + Recovery, then for ST Basic Sorc + Concealed. Should I just keep it the same?
Well, when I was in level 7, I think I was using basic chaos + dominion of temps for GB. I've also used advanced chaos, but, then is your choice. Mana recovery was just good for duels, Imo.

For STs, intellect would good, you get more mana and +1 parameter =)
no other comments?
how good is the wizard faction? I mean, what does it specialize in?
Destruction mostly. Once magic guild 4 unlocked, some look to turn to nature though.
for killer_dash:
He's specialized in High Tier hunts because their magic is not affected by creatures' high defense, also in Monsters MG quests (for the same reason).

He's also specialized in PvP especially at some levels (like 8, 9, 10) and is very good in group battles because they usually remain until the end of the game and they can turn it into their favour because while the troops keep decreasing in size, hero's magic doesn't get weaker.

Also as far as I've seen on .ru, he is good in events when they are against many AI creatures because they can resist a lot of time with summoning elementals.

And even if the magic build is the most used, wizards have the option to turn themselves into might wizards after level 8 or 9.
In which level is holy build worth? In level 10 it seems nice to be a buffer (can help a lot in GB), but, I don't know if it is better than chaos. Nature doesn't seem that good, at least in my level.

for killer_dash:

Wizards are different from others factions. While others depend of the troops, for we, the hero is the one who do the work. We have our troops, but they are there just to stand until your hero's mana runs out. One of the better things we have is the resistance. We may not deal a lot of damage with troops, but we will be there, annoying the opponent, and he knows how our magic can change the game =)
for _Sworks_:

Are you talking for pvp, thieving or AI fights?

For hunts, ST and MG elemental build is always better due to increased spell damage against neutrals.

For pvp and thieving, holy is pretty good, better start at level 11, because with 40 talent points you can have 4 talents in holy branch.
Are you talking for pvp, thieving or AI fights?

I'm talking about everything, hunts, pvps, ST and MGs. My account is still level 10, and didn't unlock the 4 level of nature magic. I have just summon panthom (which isn't so good for wizards, imo, in level 10, 'cause of the cost of mana), earthquake (useless), magic punch (weak, but good against troops with magic resistance), wasp and rise.

I'll wait till level 14 for nature build =)
Nature build at level 14 is good on thieving (elementals and firewall are great) and on ST sometimes.

Bad on pvp always. On mg and hunts bad unless creatures are immune or resistant to magic (golems, black dragons, etc).
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