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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

Authorthey should make a app for this game
if they made an app you could do hunts and jobs on the go i cant do it on iphone cause it needs flash player
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Ideas and suggestions".

i dunno much but i had a chat here and JustTuna said that he was playing from an iphone
+1 for an app to make it easier to do routine things from your phone like enroll etc.

Battles from phones while possible will never really be much use due to the small screen sizes except maybe the simplest hunts or MQs.
for shawnanston:
Then JustTuna was probably fibbing becaus eI know from expeirience that getting flash to work on an iPhone is vvirtually impossible and when it is installed it only works with flash movies such as youtube. You can't actually interact with it.

+1 for the app
BUT this is why I got an android .. It has flash player
im able to enroll and battle from my ipod touch aswell. just download photon webbrowser app.

but +1
JustTuna said that he was playing from an iphone
that cant be true..i m never able to battle through an iphone

that cant be true..i m never able to battle through an iphoneI know from expeirience that getting flash to work on an iPhone is vvirtually impossible and when it is installed it only works with flash movies such as youtube. You can't actually interact with it.

U guys went a bit wrong

iPhone dosen have flash.
But using puffin browser or photon webbrowser app, u can do everything related to flash, such as play LWM, enroll and even battle :)

+1 to the idea though.
+1 it will be very good to me to do enrolls at every hr. and make it available on samsung galaxy y s-5360 lol or it would be a crap for me :P
don't know if this applies to your suggestion, but at


you can find..

19. Optimizing the game for PocketPC (480*640) [only possible after Flash v8 and further versions is made compatible]
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM