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AuthorHow to Repair!
well guyz I know that at lv6 we get repairing thing.. but can we repair at this lvl also.. I think we can by sending our arts to other players.. if thats possible then a lil guide would be appreciated :)
Level Pts Repair efficiency
0 0 10%
1 30 20%
2 80 30%
3 165 40%
4 310 50%
5 555 60%
6 970 70%
7 1680 80%
8 2885 90%
9 5770 Simultaneous smithing and enchanting

To enter this guild, you should get to combat level 6 and build a Blacksmith in your castle. Enter it and open the "repair" section and you will be able to repair worn out artifacts.

Any artifact with durability 0/X can be repaired. Repairing efficiency depends on the guild level and varies from 10% to 90%. For instance, the guild novice will repair artifacts with 10% efficiency, which means, that a worn out artifact of 0/30 will have 3/29 durability after repairing, while an experienced blacksmith with 60% efficiency would turn the same item to 18/29 durability.

Repair cost with any efficiency makes 40% of the estimated artifact cost (according to the prices of the shop), while worn out artifacts buyout rate is 65%, making you pay only 35% to completely restore a shop artifact. The guild warns that smithing is an art, and usually leads to money loss. Rare or enchanted artifacts repairing certainly make an exception, though, since you cannot buy them in the shop.

1) Repair time and cost do not change with the smiths’ guild leveling. The only thing that increases is the efficiency, hence the artifact's resultant durability;
2) Repair time and guild points gained only depend on the estimated value of the artifact and are in direct proportion to it. Thus, the more expensive the item is, the longer time it will take to repair it and the more guild points it will grant;
3) Repairing two artifacts at a time is not possible, moreover, you need to reach guild level 9 to be able to do two types of works in your blacksmith (repairing and enchanting) at the same time.
building smith guild is too costly..so better do not try it
1 Smith point = 4000 gold

it's very expensive to invest in this guild. you'll spend a bundle before your repair efficiency is any good.
think about it carefully!
The cost for reaching Smith lvl 8 is usually about 4.500.000 gold. If you are not prepared to spend that much, you should either let someone else repair them or buy new arts when they are used up.

You can use the ROCA spreadsheet to choose when it is economical to have them repaired. It also helps you pick the best smith for the work.

ROCA is one the best features introduced to help new players enjoy it . :)

here you can find list of player who are willing to repair for you. of course, their fees will be higher a little bit(5~10%).

as mention by syrian and stbs, it's very expensive to invest in this guild.

my advise is only repair rare arts and enchanted weapon. for normal weapon, just sell it and buy a new one.
closed by ElvenNight (2012-07-22 23:23:40)
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