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AuthorBuild Dark elf?
How To Build Dark elf Skill?

Wanna Know Talent
And Other
PvP or PvE?

What level?
What level?
6 I guess :)
PvP or PvE?

PvP I guess :)
anyway, since you play as might DE, get Basic Fortune, max lizards, then max rogues/minos (depends on the enemy).

If you want suggestion on parameter, go with full Knowledge and get elemental call and basic sorcery. Max lizards -> max minos -> max poisoners as army and play defensively.
Actually, elemental call won't help much. Better get basic chaos magic only and get some Spell Power instead of Knowledge.
Just a supposition then :)

For CL 6 PvP style -> Recruitament: Max posioners, max minotaurs, max lizards, rest on rogues to take retail, make walls and block.

If you don't have posioners, work on to get it! :D

Build 01
Status: 2 Knowledge + 3 SP + Combat Staff + Cape of spirits + Wizard cap
(Yes it's a magic build)

Talents: Basic Sorcery + Mana recorvery (best for beginners)

Build 02
Status: 2 - 3 Knowledge, rest on SP same artefacts set.

Talents: Elemental call + Basic Sorcery

This is a advanced build, most players get lot difficult on paly with this one... So I not recommend for everyone.

Ps: If you want, you can add amulet of luck + Defender shield, on your artefatcs, they are very cheap, but the priority are these listed.

Basicaly is it, the only thing I should increase here, should be the tactics for battle, but each faction have one better way to win, so you should ask on approriate thread which is Dark elvens, on Geral forum.
Upps, I give a CL 5 build xD

Just put +1 on SP, and will be fine.

Build 01 = total 7 SP

Build 02 = 6 - 7 SP

Good luck, (Hope you don't want PvE build! xD)
Build 02
Status: 2 - 3 Knowledge, rest on SP same artefacts set.

Talents: Elemental call + Basic Sorcery

This is a advanced build, most players get lot difficult on paly with this one...

Elemental call with 2 KN?? Of course it's difficult to win anything with this...

Actually, elemental call won't help much. Better get basic chaos magic only and get some Spell Power instead of Knowledge.
basic chaos is useless at lvl 6; that would be the equivalent of 1 more SP. If you go for destruction, go for elemental call.
Hmmmm thats just useless. batter save money for later and just use cheapest set for each lvl i prefer to go with 4 knowledge and few SP how much left and get elemental For lvl 5!
for lvl 6 use Basic sorcery+mana recovery and put point on SP always use Min AP. you can find it on http://angelsndemons.freeforums.org/4-artifacts-cheapest-ap-sets-for-each-level-t100.html?sid=8 6c5bf9bf214e941a6973a8a1f92c32b
That's why I said I don't recommend this build for everyone Slust xD

One possible option to make everything easy is put 4 KN istead of 2...
So this build will be very easy to manage...

But I've played with 2 KN did some GB's (3v3 also) and the resulsts are amazing for me at least... Some times 3 KN could be more userful, but the main goal is right target on enemey + right use of your army...

With this build you can't spect do everything alone with your hero and forget the army, all must be together :)
keep your troop setting as
max- lc then max rouges then max minos then max poisoners or bands
if you have magic school then a balance in spell power and knowledge would do wonders
keep the talents in which you can get two talents
like 2 7 cost talents
[Player banned by moderator Edwin1908 until 2012-06-28 23:58:24 // 1.7. Additional characters are not allowed to leave messages at the "Main forums" [relapse}]
hunting rly bad.... if he have poisoners max poisoners they are best with magic build all other waht you sayed is same as all other.
no i feel rouges are better than posioners
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