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AuthorHow to use Dwarf runes?
At faction lvl 1 I should be able to use Rune of Berserking.

Rune of Berserking.
Required faction skills level: 1
On the attack after activation the stack that has this rune applied will hit its target twice. This rune can only be used after at least one creature from the stack has perished.


My stack size was reduced, but I still couldn't use the rune.
At least, I couldn't find a button/spell for that.
The list of runes are on the left side of screen
I see no such list, which is here:

I'll try to change factions, maybe it will fix that.
Yes, no such list of runes in my case.
post a screenshot of what you see, maybe your bar is minimized and you need to press the arrow
Just changed faction, I will try it tomorrow.
do you have school of rune magic?
in your army in battle must die 1 of for example:frontier ursary
do you have school of rune magic?

Yes, all castle buildings are built, including:
05-01-12 06:53: Castle modified. Construction added: School of Rune Magic.
05-01-12 06:54: Castle modified. Construction added: Rune sanctuary.
05-01-12 06:54: Castle modified. Construction added: Magic Guild level 2.

in your army in battle must die 1 of for example:frontier ursary
Read my first post:
My stack size was reduced, but I still couldn't use the rune.
I see no such list
Probably the rune list was scroll back in the left side? Otherwise i see no reason for not being activated during your last fight.
hmm... isnt berserk a lv4 spell?

even with rune, can i expect they need lv4 magic guild to get it? :\
I see no runes at all:
To use rune of berserk,at least 1 troop of our stack must be killed.
Then you'll see your list of runes.
Good luck!
It could be a random release like Luck or Morale.

Maybe try a few more suggestions and just an opinion i think Dwarf Faction is alittle bugged. IMO anyway. Dunnow bout you guys.

Anyway hope you resolve this quickly :)
Runes only appear when the damaged stack's turn comes. So if those spearmen were 21 since the beginning of battle, you will not have the runes available.

If a rune is available, You can see runes tab in the lower lefthand side of the battle screen, just under where your priest were.
To use rune of berserk,at least 1 troop of our stack must be killed.
Yes, check this link
Vampiric lizards deal 225 damage to Dwarven ursary. 9 perish.
and I still can't use runes.

I checked IE and Firefox.
Runes only appear when the damaged stack's turn comes
It DID NOT appear when it was Dwarven ursary's (when it was only 25 of them instead of 34).
Could be a bug or error in programming logic. I'm thinking:

1. Rune of Berserking is only available to stacks with at least 1 dead unit.
2. At start of battle, none of your stacks have dead units.
3. Computer does not show rune selection thingie at the start of game because the first rune cannot be used (#1 + #2).
4. Computer does not show rune selection thingie throughout the game because it already decided at #3 that first rune cannot be used (like it only checks at start of battle).

I started at FSL 2 as a Dwarf so I never had experience going through that phase. The rune selection thingie always shows up when my first unit gets its turn but I already have the second rune available which can be used by a full stack. Any other FSL 1 Dwarfs there have similar experience?
so if I understand well, during the whole battle you never saw a small arrow on the left of your screen at all, right?
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