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AuthorDwarf Level 3 Amulet
Just wondering, for when i reach level 3, should i get amulet of bravery or luck?
dont use arts on level 3
I meant for the survival tournaments. Other than that, I'll be hunting artless most of the times.
I prefer morale...

Your units don't even have a good damage, they got more hp and resistence instead...
I like luck more. To each his own. (-:
Each has its advantages.

In term of pure damage potential, Luck is superior to Morale. If 2 identical melee stacks, one with +5 luck, and the other +5 morale, stand there and whack at each other, the one with luck will win most of the time.

However, Luck is in play only for attack actions, whereas Morale affects most actions except Wait (i.e. move, attack, cast spell, use most special abilities). Thus, for example, if your guardian is chasing a gargoyle, it's going to need Morale much more than Luck (what use is Luck if you can't hit?).

There are many other pros and cons, in different scenarios, with different factions, etc., too many to go over. Overall, I think Luck and Morale are adequately even, so I would base my decision on cost. If it's an artifact, which one costs less gold? If it's a talent, which one costs less talent points? Just my opinion.
Watch previous combats of the winners in tournament, u can have an idea which amulet to use.
amulet of luck ofc.
morale is good , but if luck triggers , it will help you better to fight with strong neutrals
differs from ST to ST
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