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AuthorHunter Arts for wizards
Most of hunter arts only give attack and def and some bonuses.Why not Make hunter arts which increase spellpower and knowledge too. That way mg quests will be a lot easier for wizards
And for those who say that wiz have bonus in neutrals pls do take in consideration this may help new wizards and also may help an experienced wizards in dealing much more oomph

There is a reason why Mages-[Wizards] are like, the ONLY mages in LordsWM, FO YO INFO] have bonus damage to neutral creatures.

There is absolutely no point in having this implemented. - My opinion to the letter.

-1 :)
Let me elaborate on my last comment.

Wizard's have bonus damage to neutral cratures with spells only. They have this bonus BECAUSE they are weak in Creature Combat. The point of implementing a Hunter Art Set that is based on increasing Magic Power[And damage to neutral creatures] would be pointless.

To put it simply,

Wizards have damage bonus. - Do not need Hunter art because they're creatures are weak, and only attack with hero. Even so Wizards could equip items that provide Spellpower and/or knowledge.

Other factions - Need Hunter Art set because they are usually based on Creature damage, not hero. And therefore, Hunter Art Set are created to increase the damage that can be done to neutral creatures, like a Wizard, just with troops.

My opionion on this?

+1 - Because I'm fairly intrested in seeing how this would affect the Dark Elf faction assuming their Faction bonus :) [Dark Elf gets Defence based on Spellpower]

-1 - Because simply, It's near-to pointless.

However, I'm not a high-level'd player, and therefore not knowing the problems you encounter. Hopefully other level's could explain him further on this...

my opinion is a bit opposite

as there are very less cheap artifacts which provide sp and knowledge as compared to attack and def artifacts
thats just an opinion

can be used by other races like mage DE too, not only wizards, this just add more variety to the game and more possibilities. Just my thoughts.
And this would also give me slight advantage if I get sp for cheap it very costly for mostly might knight and slightly Mage knight like me
yah mages do have some extra damage but what about newbie mages and and since mage troops just have to mostly just survive and let their master do all the hitting mainly or either have very short life span so mage hunter arts will make spellcaster's life much easier(maybe a bb staff with +4sp and +4 knowledga +2 at/def) would be really epic for a spellcaster
Im not askin much, wiz armor not necessary just a wiz weapon or two on every hunter set along with a wiz cloak for each set :-)
I think is not a good idea, why?

A full GH set will cost about 2500 - 3000 gold battle ( double than a full art set for wizz ).
And what will be the benefits? ( + 40% damage against neutrals , +1 max and min damaga of your creatures and + x% ini. )

Since almost 90% of creatures in a hunt are killed by wizz hero , what will be the use of one of these sets ? Killing creatures 15% and hero 85% ? with double the cost of a full arts set ?.

If I take Orcs as example , they do 500 damage , but with GH Set bonus they do 750 danage plus a high ini. to shoot again.( Prety good bonus )

If take golems as example, they do 50 damage , with GH bonus 75 damage , wow + 25 HP damage at the cost of double gold !!! and a bit more ini to...lets see strike again?? run ??
Maybe the ini. bonus is the only thing i find usefull for a wizz and only to run with gargs.

Maybe is usefull , but im pretty sure almost nobody will use that kind of set paying much more than a full art wizz set for a so little bonus in his stacks. .
IM JUST ASKIN FOR A WEAPON FOR HUNTER SET THAT WILL INCREASE SP AND HP cuz it will help hybrids and yes you cant neglect the damage bonyst of giants,sphynx and gargs. anyways wizards are supposed to be rich. I AGAIN REMING THIS IS NOT JUST FOR BENEFIT OF WIZARDS BUT FOR HYBRIDS like a necro,delf and buffing creatures cuz u get knowlegde and sp from 1 art so u dont have to waste ur parameter point .this will benefit hybrids more than wizards but yes we do need a hunter art givin sp and knowledge
any reason for -1 then pls explain or are you too jealous wziards will take golden,silver&bronze results in hunt eh :-p
golden,silver&bronze results in hunt
How does it affects any 1 ?
Every factions have different records
It wont effect us elves in any way
Wizard have a good bonus for hunts, they will do the same damage with hero in the battle while you have mana to support it. Doesn't matter if you have 100 enchated gargoleys or just 1. And, the hunter set give some damage for neutrals, that is also applied for magics. I think that it is not necessary.

How does it affects any 1 ?
Every factions have different records
It wont effect us elves in any way

not entirely true.
yes, every faction has its own list, but there is also an 'all factions' tab in the records list.

wziards will take golden,silver&bronze results in hunt eh :-p
maybe also not entirely true. it seems they already have them ;)

browsing through the 'all factions' records, i already see a lot of wizard-icons. i didn't count them though, so i might be wrong...

as for my opinion about this idea: -1/+1.

-1, because this is just postponing the problem. you want more wiz-power so more neutral mobs can be defeated. but those mobs will grow and eventually you will have the same wish for more power.

+1, for the possibilies and variety it can give for all factions using magic. not only wizards and dark elves (can) utilize magic. a bit more knowledge or spell power can also give some extra bite to demons, dwarves, elves, knights, and necromancers.
-1 It will make "older" wizards with huge fsp take all records...

I don't need say that, but to who didn't understand my point...

FSP give bonus damage agasin't natural creatures, SP increase the damage and multiplique the damage based on FSP, so if we have one wizard with FSP lv 10 with same set with one wizard fsp lv 3, the "young" one don't will have any chance to have same benefits in hunts...
for DecayWolf:
your argument applies to the status quo and doesn't say anything about hunter vs normal arts - normal arts already give the sp-bonus you don't want the older wizards to get.

but huge fsp lets older wizards take all the records anyway, with or without the hunter arts that are being suggested here.
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