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Author[poll] card tournament
Hail all,

As you probably have figured out: the card game tournaments are on hold, at the moment.

Instead of complaining, let's play our own (custom) tourney!

Since I'm a total noob at this, and since I have no idea how many of you would like to participate, I thought it would be wise to throw this plan into the group first, with a couple of questions.

Question 1: Would you like to participate? :)

Question 2: Under which card game conditions would you like to play?

A) my personal favorite, just to try something new:

first round(s): Great Capital / Verdant Dell
semi finals: East Bay
final: Yellow Lake

first round(s): Great Capital / Verdant Dell
semi finals and final: East Bay

C) All rounds with the same rules:
C1) Great Capital
C2) East Bay

D) Other

[I also had this idea of one epic 'around the world' tournament, but that's probably best for later, after this pilot]

What I would like is to have all games occur in 'real-time', standard card tournament style. So everyone starts and plays at one given time, not spread out over a week.

Question 3: do you agree with this idea? If no, why not?

If yes: Question 4: I was thinking to try this out Friday 1st of June, 19:00 server time. Does this moment suit you?

I know it will be impossible to satisfy everyone, so I hope those whose wishes will not be granted will still participate.

I'd take part...but if there is no reward or entry fee you might aswell make each round as short as possible..Gc

this seems like it would be incredibly hard to organise, do you want some help ?
heya Merlin,

thanks for responding!
do you want some help ?
thanks for the offer! will definately keep it in mind :)
(probably: yes ;) )

i'll wait a bit first, to see how many people are enthousiastic about this plan. if it's just the two of us, the organising won't be so hard ;)

the biggest problem will be the pairing of players, to do this as 'sportive' as possible. i was thinking of pairing players who have card game winnings the closest to each other. on the other hand, this only works in the first round. maybe some kind of random-generator? dunno...

the fee system is indeed something i didn't include, good point.
i was thinking to play this in the normal tourney style (entrance fee gets collected and distributed among the (semi)winners). what would be a good formula for distribution? 50%/25%/25%?

i was also thinking to keep the stakes low first, because this is a pilot to test this whole thing out, say, 500g?

as an alternative, i thought about this system: all players are obligated to play for stakes. first round 200g, second round 400g, etc.
this eliminates the need for a treasurer, and adds to the win/loss-stats of the player-profiles (even more realistically than the normal tourneys, which don't record the entrance fees)

down-part is, that this excludes players with a low gambler's guild level. so probably bad idea for this pilot.
your stake idea is quite good, but I understand that it excludes low GG players...so for a first 'event' maybe they should be excluded...to make sure the basics are right first.

maybe you could collect a list of the players gamblers guild levels/ win ratio's and order them accordingly..so two worst and two best face off...or a random generator is more fun :)
Make sure to include something like this too :


Just kidding :P
how many players involved ? 16 ? 32 ?

and how many games per round ? 1 ? 3 ? 5 ?
for Hallion91:
:) ... actually, i did in fact think about some kind of badge, but more in the sense of 'winner gains the right to copy-paste this into his/her profile'.. followed by some kind of awesome ascii-art badge

for cakur:
i thought it would be best to let that depend on the amount of players responding here...
another problem is to get the amount of players exactly right (i.e. EXACTLY 16, not 15 or 17)

my solution so far: do it in the style of the tourney like we are used to.

at 19:00 i create a thread, and the first 16/32/xx who post a + get the right to play. but like i said: i would have to know the amount of enthousiasm first to know where the cap should be. hence this poll

[and if exactly 16/32/xx show interest, that whole thing can be skipped haha :), but i'm not hoping for it, the more, the merrier]
please answer 'no' to the first question if you're not interested.. would give me some clarity...
Hehe, that would be nice. Or you could make a forum thread to add all of those in your "hall of fame" of your event, so that no random people will copy the badge as false.
for r_vamshi:
thanks for responding!

for Hallion91:
yeah, ofcourse there should be some kind of validation mechanism... your hall of fame idea works, or just a reference to the thread of that tourney... (or both)

for all:
i'm thinking of postponing this whole thing untill we have enough players gathered... 8 would work, 16 would be nice, 32 would be great (i know, i'm a dreamer lol)

so, question 3 in post 1 doesn't apply anymore... i was too optimistic about the players longing for an alternative tourney now that the official one is gone...

so i'll just collect players and set up a 'competition tree', when we have the proper amount

Hallion and cakur, are you in? :)
Sorry dude, I am not a big fan of card games, especially lately I play the least possible due to exams. I'm just supporting your effort.
for Hallion91:
cool man, thanks for the support :)
now go pwn those exams!

I think you should go for random pairing, since otherwise it might get strange in the next rounds.
Im in - but 19hour game time wouldnt be for me since im still at work then xD

but ya good idea
ok, so far we have...

This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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