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Author59th Survival Tournament lvl 10
Good luck!)I`ll try to post waves
1).5 monks-42 enchanted gargoyles-63 demons-18 mercenary sorcerers
2).134 faeries all sides (Army orb 4 efreeti left)
3).6 voracious anglerfish all sides
4).3 cave demons-13 vampires-3 cave demons-vampire-moster(259hp) (Army orb 7 voracious andlerfish down)
5).41 blazing hounds all sides
6).15 genies all sides (Defence orb)
7).37 lodestone golems-13 royal griffins-12 water elementals-1 antichrist
8).18 lizard cavalry all sides
9).23 succubi-93 infected zombies-47 guardians-165 skeletal bowmen
Resurrect orb on 8th wave
10).68 harpies-2 antichrists-68 harpies-2 antichrists(Arrows orb)
11).14 dark witches-14 dark witches-dark witch-monster(748 hp)-14 dark witches
12).351 imps-112 swordsmen-191 demons-12 voracious anlerfish(Army orb 51 minotaurs soldiers)
13)4 archangels all sides
14).43 liches-1387 farmers-6 antichrists-143 vampiric lizards(Army orb 7 devils)
1).5 monks-42 enchanted gargoyles-63 demons-18 mercenary sorcerers
2).134 faeries all sides
3).6 voracious anglerfish all sides
4).3 cave demons-13 vampires-3 cave demons-vampire-moster(259hp)
5).41 blazing hounds all sides
6).15 genies all sides
7).37 lodestone golems-13 royal griffins-12 water elementals-1 antichrist
8).18 lizard cavalry all sides
9).23 succubi-93 infected zombies-47 guardians-165 skeletal bowmen
10).68 harpies-2 antichrists-68 harpies-2 antichrists
11).14 dark witches-14 dark witches-dark witch-monster(748 hp)-14 dark witches
12).351 imps-112 swordsmen-191 demons-12 voracious anlerfish
13)4 archangels all sides
14).43 liches-1387 farmers-6 antichrists-143 vampiric lizards

2).Army orb 4 efreeti left
4).Army orb 7 voracious andlerfish down
6).Defence orb
8).Resurrect orb
10).Arrows orb
12).Army orb 51 minotaurs soldiers up
14).Army orb 7 devils right
Participants level: 10
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (9 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (1)
Highest score: 74625
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
Participants level: 10
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (9 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (2)
Highest score: 43760
Participants level: 10
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (9 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (3)
Highest score: 82190
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
Vampiric lizards((
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