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Author59th Survival Tournament 3LVL
=) write the wave
1)fire elemnt 1 -genies 1-fire elemnt 1-genies 1
2)- up venomum spiders 5 - down venomum spiders 5
3)- up grotesques 4 - down grotesques 4
4)3 vampiric lizars all
4 deaad
5) 4 orcs - 2 ogrs magi - nothing - 12 spawns

what's the next? )
what equipment u must have? Is it full equipment?
6) 6 grotesques all sides
7) 4 wolf riaders-4 evil eyes- 4 evil eyes- 4 stone eaters
8) - up 5 rangers - 6 evil eyes - 2 vampire counts
rangers can shoot?
yep friend

click on this link u will know what is ranger
let's see who is the best ;)
where r the dark elves???
oh shit i played very bad
How many demons are gaining points and waves reaching up to what?
Participants level: 3
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (5)
Highest score: 2664
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
2800+, dwarf, 1 try, without 2nd faction skill. And i didn't know orbs :p
I finished the tournament a minute ago, 3400+ for DE. Very noobish try :( Gl all, I go to 4th.
9) (nothing) - 8 vamp lizards - 1 dark sibyls - 15 crossbowmen
1)fire elemnt 1 -genies 1-fire elemnt 1-genies 1
2)- up venomum spiders 5 - down venomum spiders 5
3)- up grotesques 4 - down grotesques 4
4)3 vampiric lizars all
5) 4 orcs - 2 ogrs magi - nothing - 12 spawns6) 6 grotesques all sides
7) 4 wolf riaders-4 evil eyes- 4 evil eyes- 4 stone eaters
8) - up 5 rangers - 6 evil eyes - 2 vampire counts

9) (nothing) - 8 vamp lizards - 1 dark sibyls - 15 crossbowmen
closed by Brilliant (2012-05-21 19:02:57)
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