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AuthorClan #138 event: Map Location descriptions
Skunder, the Imperial Chronicler, stands before you, the would-be scribes of the Empire. His aged form has seen and chronicled many volumes of history and battles throughout the years. He now looks to you to carry on his mission and to chronicle the stories of the Empire.

He begins, "I have a task for you. Throughout the Empire's archives I have yet to find a suitable description of the very lands we live in. There should be a record of the lands our citizen's may travel and dwell within! Therefore I commission you with the task to write a brief description of the Empire's vast territories."

The rules:
- Choose a location on the Map page (https://www.lordswm.com/map.php)
- List the official name of the location, leave a space, and then begin your description (titles do not count in character amount)
- 1 location per post, multiple posts allowed
- 500 - 2,000 CHARACTERS
- Only clan #138 Skunder's Scourge members receive final prizes/awards/recognition (PM Skunder for a FREE invite to clan #138)
- Each winner receives 1 LL point for a total of 9 points: since there are 9 Map locations (Clan members only).
- 1 winner can not win more than 3 Map locations, but may participate in all 9
- Voting will take place once there are 2 or more submissions of each Territory, and not less than 1 week's time.
- Voting is decided by 3 judges from clan #138, and overseen by Skunder

A final archive of these descriptions will be kept within the Annals of the Clan of Chroniclers (https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7138)
Verdant Dell

Innumerable bandits roam the dark gloomy streets of this newly discovered land, seeking to slit the throat of every living creature they come across, with their daggers as sharp as a tungsten needle tapering down to about the thickness of a single atom, well concealed within their dark brown cloaks. Of all those who have been brave enough to venture far enough into Verdant Dell, only a lucky dozen have ever returned, but none with all their entrails in the same place. The Dracheus cave towards its northern end is believed to hold many secrets unlikely to be ever revealed for its entrance is rumored to be guarded by the most vicious creature, who have come up to the surface solely for this purpose, right from the deep reaches of hell – the cerberi – ready to tear apart the entrails of anyone bold enough to venture nearby. Nothing much is known about Verdant Dell, the mysteries of the land haunt the minds of human and elven researchers throughout the Empire, but all attempts to unravel these have failed. It is believed that exotic creatures inhabit this region, having powers one has never heard or seen ever before. Rumors of these creatures coming out of their hiding and attacking the civilizations of the rest of the empire have spread fears amongst all races throughout the world. The Empress has ordered an inquiry into the land’s mysteries, but till date, there has been no lord brave enough to go there and find these out.
Blooming Glade

Natures nectar gleamed on each blade of sage grass in Blooming Glade, the dew was almost heavy enough to bend the grass all the way to the ground. Multi colored pixies were flying around gathering the dew in there water skins so they could return home and prepare the days meals. The factories were already in full production, and the sound of pickaxes could be heard coming from the gem mine. But not all was peaceful in the Glade on that beautiful morning. There was a smell in the air, a smell that could curl the toes of even the most battle tested dwarf alive. The smell was death, because every day uncounted battles are fought here. Monsters are hunted and killed here in the name of the Empress. Thieves are abundant here also, hoping to spot a weary traveler and ravage their goods. The souls of the heroes that have died here can still be heard on the late after noon winds. But no matter the amount of death and cruelty, the sun will still rise every morning, the dew will still be on the grass, and the beauty of the Glade will never be lost.
Great Capital

As you approach the walls towering countless feet into the air you are confronted by an imperial guard who asks for identification, as he opens you the great wooden door bolstered by huge iron bars you get a sudden overwhelming smell of fresh crops and hunted game. You have entered a vast market full of merchants who beam at the sight of your bulging pocket which is full of coin. however, they are not smiling as much as the shadowy thieves lurking round the corner of the watchtower.

Being wise to their ways you ascend the long flight of stairs leading to the capital's residential area. You immediately notice the economic spread of houses in the city, from ramshackle huts to glorious 3-story mansions with an interior to match and guards at the door. You also notice that this diversity is not just bound to housing, as you spy a young boy covered in a plague just a few metres to your right, you can only stop for a short break to feed and medicate the boy before heading to your destination. The immense royal palace overlooking the entire realm.
Yellow lake

you arrive at a vast plain overshadowed by mountains after hours traveling south of the capital on foot, on the horizon you see a lake and you immediately get into a sprint to reach the water as soon as possible, the long hot summers days are torturous for the throat. But as you get you closer your stomach lurches, it is not a lake, well not a healthy one. The liquid is a bright yellow acid which arrives in pipes from the residential areas of the realm. It is not all bad, though as you soon realise, there is a huge marsh created by the lake which is home to some of the rarest crops in the whole region.

You reach down to pick a strange sort of mushroom that grows in abundance around the lake, and store it in your herbal pouch. As you return to stand you notice a huge figure clad in the finest Armour the Empire has to offer. His sword is drawn at your neck as he confronts you, "That toadstool is property of the Mercenaries' guild" his newly sharpened sword presses your neck even harder, "Hand it over, or the penalty is death". Deciding you value your life over a lump of fungi you hand it over, and the dashing warrior leads you to his headquarters holed in the side of the mountains, you are impressed by it's orderly panic, and the constant sound of hammer on steel. You decide you like this place...
Silent Hill

A region home to immensely tall trees and large shrubbery, Silent hill is home to much nature. You hear the faint sound of hooves on the road some distance away, but they rapidly grow louder. A merchant is whipping his horses savagely as they pass by and knock you to the ground."What's the rush ?" you wonder.

You carry on down the beaten track and suddenly find yourself in a clearing, there is silence, save the reassuring sound of songbirds and insects. Then you hear a twig snap from behind the bushes. Your heart starts to race as dark thoughts fill your mind, could this be as rumoured ? Is this the home of thieves ? your eyes are immediately drawn to your pockets and you swiftly check your coin purse is still intact. You start to run, hoping that whatever was behind the bush does not follow, but you fall straight into an ambush, ahead of you is the leader of the thieves guild and a dozen of his most loyal servants. Strangely you are greeted with a warm. "Greetings brother, welcome to the guild!" "is it really that easy to join ?" is the question that suddenly springs to mind, then you realise that your pockets are much lighter, you look up and a voice answers "We thought we'd lighten your load"
Ridge of hope

As you carry on the trail due east of the Capital you find a vast network of railways leading to the port just south of your location, you quickly decide to follow the tracks laid infront of you. After walking 2 or so miles you stumble upon a group of 'cutthroats' sat around a fire counting out their gold, you stealthily sneak past the group and follow on course of the rail until you spy a friendly looking man in white overalls stained with dust, you confront him, asking where you are. He replies, "the Ridge of Hope, home to the largest diamond mine in the whole of the realm" a jolt of sudden excitement washes over you, did he just say diamonds!

Your excitement is short-lived however as you hear a faint roar from behind the mountains, as you turn to ask the man you had just met you realise that he and all his co-workers have disappeared. A wave of terror hits you abruptly as you watch a trio of dragons descend from the mountains, "To arms !" you hear a battalion of imperial soldiers cry. But within seconds a third are burnt by an extremely elegant white dragon. The tides however, slowly turn towards your side as only one dragon is left standing. you spin to try and find the Huge beast and are awakened by a captain shouting "He's holed up in the mine !" and you find yourself being pushed along into the darkness to fight an emerald dragon on your own. "well I didn't expect to enter the mine in these circumstances" you think to yourself...
east bay

As you was leaving great capital in search of the mysteries of the elves you had finally made into the east bay a land of tall tress and the most rear flowers and mushrooms.

You look around for clues when you hear the faint sound of a sprite,it suddenly grows louder followed by a scream you wonder what it was.Suddenly you hear a twig snap followed by a giant raw of a bear your heart started to beat so fast you thought it would come out!You just couldn't draw your sword fast enough!Suddenly from behind a bear pounces on you and you realise there isn't just one there’s five.In the corner of your eye you see a shadow but you couldn't tell what it was to your relief a arrow strikes the bears head followed by 4 into the others.It couldn't be...A elf.
Misty Coast

Just beyond the might walls of the Great Capital lies the great sea. An ominous fog ever persists along the shoreline, hindering visibility. The vapors cling to everything, offering sensations of damp and dank. The area is generally uninhabited, save for private Estate owners. Although, here can be found a crystal mine. As the light shines in on the crystals, they reflect it with an array of dazzling colors. To the south-east can be seen the radiance of the Lighthouse, guiding ships safely into the cove. Some of the older Lords can recall how, years ago, they delved into the depths of the Ridge of Hope, slaying mighty dragon guardians to obtain the materials necessary to build the Lighthouse. Its splendor is a reminder to all of the might of the Lords of the Empire. No one knows who inhabits the lands east, though strange travelers come in to the port, claiming to be from far off, mysterious lands. Perhaps Her Majesty the Empress will one day call for the bravest Lords to embark on an expedition across these mysterious depths.
Seraph’s Tears

Some say that it is the most beautiful place in the entire Empire. Rumour has it that long ago an Angel fell to earth here and cried tears of joy at the sheer beauty of the majestic waterfall. It is written that a single tear plunged into the depths of the pool and mixed with the cool glacial waters. Thus the falls and the region were named. To this day, on the anniversary of the Seraph’s fall to earth, many pilgrims journey to partake of the pools life giving properties.
Despite the regions magnificent beauty, dangers still lurk in the depths of the forest, ready to ensnare the unwary traveller. Pilgrims are not the only ones who benefit from the nourishment granted from imbibing the emerald waters at the foot of the falls. Creatures great and small drink from the sacred waters. Many of them increase in size and strength out of all proportion to their species. These hideous monsters run rampant, attacking any and all unfortunate enough to cross their paths. The Mercenaries Guild was forced to open a branch in the region specially to combat the danger that these monsters pose to everyone.
Seraphs Tears is a region that is as savage as it is beautiful. It has an irresistible allure for poets, adventurers, warriors and scholars alike. Many who journey here don’t survive, but those who do will have wondrous dreams of unrivalled beauty and majesty, and memories that will be with them forever.
East Bay

The most populous and industrially developed region of the world, East Bay is inhabited solely by humans. The long array of factories laden with huge chimneys, apparently mingling with the stars, constantly shoot plumes of dark currents, making their way upwards and spreading their legs all across the sky. The air constantly thickens as the smoke turns from grey to black. Bitter to one’s nostrils and seemingly to one’s brain an abomination to the air, the thick scent of melted paint and scorched wood welcomes the constantly increasing settlers, choking them with how pungent it can be. The elves being nature lovers dread stepping into this territory, for they can’t stand the destruction of the dense green foliage in order to make space for the ever increasing number of industries and factories coming up in East Bay each day.
Misty Coast

Misty Coast was once a stronghold for those who were learned in the dark magics. Shipwrecks line the coast; rotting timber strewn across the rocks. An unnatural mist permeates the air, creating an aura of confusion. It is said that sailors entering the region would find themselves dazed and bewildered by the mist, causing them to lose their bearings and shipwreck. But that was years ago. For now, nestled in beside the vast ice-capped mountains to the west, on a rocky outcrop far above the sea, stands a stately lighthouse. Built of gleaming marble, the lighthouse is manned both day and night by druids whose job it is to guide the ships to safety. Only they can resist the fog's mysterious effects. The lighthouse is a lonely structure, in a lonely place. Stay there too long and you may find yourself inclined to roam the region forever...
Verdant Dell

A vast stone structure arches its way across the path to Verdant Dell. Cracked and weathered with age, this magnificent entrance was built long ago by an ancient race of elves who had escaped to the region to live harmoniously with nature. Although faded, one can still see upon the arch the words of those who came before, Natura Non Contristatur - Nature is not saddened. Recently rediscovered, Verdant Dell is an abundant paradise teeming with wildlife and energy. Trees of all varieties grow in large clusters. The sulphur rich soil has spawned the growth of Ragwort and Soursob, rare ingredients used in the making of potions. Such are the abundance of natural resources, that the Empress has sourced much of her wood and sulphur here since its discovery. However, the elves have grown concerned. There is talk of them moving out from amongst the trees of East Bay to the haven of Verdant Dell as a way to protect the spiritual essence of the land.
The Misty Coast

Although people call it the misty coast the costal part of misy coast is not all that interesting it is the mist that intigrues the mind.

Nobody is quite sure where the misty coast gets it name it might be the ever-present layer of thin mist along the costal region and the surrounding forests or it may be the mist that swoops low over your senses clouding you eyesight and as well as your better judgment. Battle mages say that the mist affects the natural flow of mana and they can no longer call the elements to their service as they used to while this mist persists, even unexpected sightings of elementals and of twisted and befouled creatures are recounted. Though no one in living memory has seen the place without the mist, the origin of the mist is the most debated topic among the wise if it recently has not lost its place to the other topic i.e. the effect the mist causes. Some say the southern mountains being snow capped and volcanic are the cause of the origin of mist while the others claim it comes from the sea and the lands beyond. While still others stick to the old tale of the dark elves and the shaman , of sacrifice and the curse, of the dark elves who had taken to interfere with the elements and destroyed the natural balance and as a result. And the curse of the shaman who in attempt to restore the balance lost control and now is said to have become the misty coast itself and raises the mist to cloud the senses of those who enter the land so that they cant threaten it ,for the shaman had become the land.

If you were to roam around in the woods or mountains or along the coast only elementals would meet your sight if not sparingly some dryads and fiends, a constant thing that you might see is the light house top though you might see a faint light the light house is never ablaze. The lighthouse in itself has a marvelous history it is said that when his majesty battled the lord of tempest and slew him with his dirk plunged deep in the heart he cut out the bright jewel that lodged in the forehead of his foe and set that in the top of the lighthouse he got erected on the misty coast and now the jewel of the enemy serves and the guard of the coast and warns of and wards off storm, stealth and foe. With the druid of the charmed forest as its keeper the lighthouse denies entry to those with dark intentions. Even with this entire sinister milieu the misty coast location is of the utmost economic and mythological important the everlasting crystal mine on the southern mountains has always been the major source of pure aura crystals for the whole empire. Some daring (or foolish) merchants have set up a nickel forge in the location believing that the nickel thus formed when exposed to the mist would have imbibed the confounding characteristic of the mist and would confer the same to any weapon it is shaped into. Passing over the merchants some of the most renowned smiths have taken up abode here and I daresay their craft has not yet been sullied by the mist………. Yet

The most notable of these smiths is Rahe who serves the Dragonlords' Legacy. He uses the wood of the befouled trees (that too not of any but of the rare Deathwood but the origin of that is a story for another time) which tends to be pleasantly springy and the nickel from the forge and crafts the best shields known to the Lords of the empire. No one knows though why the deathwood used by him turns red but many suspect that he uses dragon fire after all weapons empowered by the dragons is what the Dragonlords' Legacy specializes in.

The misty coast is a location where people come and go and come yet again fascinated by its secrets. Many of the wise lords have built estates for their own and some of the wise still wander in the woods or along the coast searching for the relics of the shaman and his staff.
Great Capital

There couldn't have been a better name for this place. You reach the gigantic gates of the Great capital. The warriors stand steady at the gates, giving you suspicious glances. A fat wizard warrior does a spy-spell on you. After passing through numerous gates and checkpoints, you make it to the place you wanted to go all along. The markets are crowded with shopkeepers advertising loudly and thieves moving noiselessly. And on the right lane, the residential palaces stand majestically, guarded by colossal giants. Sewer rats move around, carefully avoiding household spells. You take in the breath taking beauty of the Royal Palace. Any foreign bandit would've been intimidated by the sheer beauty and strict patrols. Traversing an old path, you go to the trophy hall of the hunters and gaze at the fallen beasts, now rotting into skeletons. Renewing your license, you step out and look around for a place to stay. The cheap estates get your attention and after reserving a room, you move on to do your business in the busy streets.
Ridge of Hope

The tall mountains and deep caves give an deeply threatening aura to this place. You hear a wild dragon scream somewhere and clutch tightly to your sword. As you step through the barren battlefields, you feel the heat of the battles fought here. The blood of slain dragons strengthen your nostrils and you walk faster. The mining machines in the distance drill out the all-precious diamond and sculpt it carefully and noiselessly. As you walk further, you notice some estates here and there, with promises of safe haven. You get yourself a room and gaze into the snow-capped peaks out of the window. As the sun rises the next day, the pinnacle of the peak glistens like your newly bought and well-polished sword- filling you with hope, just as the travellers had promised. Looking out carefully for dragon snores, you step out to the valley- The Valley of Dragons, said to hold the caves where creatures anointed with the name "Dragon Guards" roam, hoping against hope for your survival.
verdant hell

a mirage for the outlanders and fallen knights who have disgraced themselves and fallen to the level of rogue thieves and sumptuous murderers . the place has been bestowed with the curse of jashin and hand of DEATH ; the only ones to survive there have a heart filled with vengeance and a desire for more, more blood . from the outside the city has been well developed due to numerous wizards improving magic there and the labor of knights never die will.it is as beautiful as great capital but looks can be deceiving . like , a wall paladins have guarded it for centuries and those able to live by there hands attack the empire as neutrals for the sole purpose of killing everyone of was happy with their imprisonment . over the years the place has got covered with dark black soil and thunder misting which became a prominent feature after the rebellions which followed empires decision to make it home place of berserk lords who often go against the fair rule of the council . the place seems to absorb a lords knowledge and uses it against them to twist minds against the innocent people .
i wish i was in this clan.
had a good idea
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