Author | 58th Survival Tournament [lvl 4] |
Post waves and orbs
Good Luck to All |
Amount of attempts: 5 (1)
Highest score: Knight: 5922 |
Amount of attempts: 5 (2)
Highest score: Knight:6685 |
All 5 attempts finished
7232 max score
Last wave for me - 12 |
Barbarian only 7232???
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (3)
Highest score: 6223
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
First Attempt was the best... rest got no more than 6000... |
Any1 defeated 12 wave??? |
Can anyone post waves? |
Put please waves and orbs... |
After im done ill post waves okay :P
Um just one question, Are there any spiders.? |
Oh my GOD.
How do u knights and barbs do it!?
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (1)
Highest score:[ELF]4855
extras: HG points for hitting top 10% |
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (3)
Highest score:[Dark ELf]4546
extras: HG points for hitting top 10% |
1) 2 foret brethren up , 2 mercenary warriors down
2) 7 lizard cubs up down , 6 ench garg left right
3) 3 crusader left , 5 fiends up , 2 renegde scouts right
4) 1 stoneeater all sides
5) 1 griffs up down , 2 elvens left right
6) 9 spawns left , 3 renegade thugs up , 12 zombie right , 1 genies down
7) 1 liz all sides
8) 11 bowman all sides
9) 11 bandit left , 10 ench gargs up , 5 golems right
10) 3 boar riders left right , 2 vamps up down
11) 2 mino galdiators left right , 12 rebels up down
12) 28 venomous spiders all sides
13) |
Share the results of my 6158 |
4700 Dwarf |
where i can take the arts to rent? |
Amount of attempts: 5 (2)
Highest score: [Dark elf] 6789 |
5500 Dwarf |
Elf 5896
Necromancer 4948 |
Any dwarf above 5500? |
Wizards have more 6 000? |