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Authorattack and defence
anyone can give me formula how attack and defence for hero and troops work? i still don't know how it work how attack increas dmg and how def decreas dmg taken actually i didn't even played heroes of might and magic i learned this game from this site here after i played here i downloaded heroes of might and magic xD :o can anyone help plz thanx ^^
and also how the dmg increas alot on creatures and they deal sux dmg on me while in PVP it's diferent :o
Here's the link on damage: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=34

Your hero's Attack and Defence scores are added to your troops' scores and then damage is calculated based on the formula given in the link.

(Not that)Simply put:

Damage = (number between minimum damage and maximum damage of your troop as given in troop stats) * (1+0.05*(Your hero's attack + your troops attack - Your opponent's hero's attack - Your opponent's troops attack) * (1 - 3* (Your opponent's faction level in your faction)/100)

In hunts, there is no opposing hero, so there is not increase to opposing troops stats. In PVP, there is.
thanx ^^ so in creature hunt and MG it's same formula but my opponent's hero's attack and troops become 0 right also faction lvl is 0? so no minus? :o k guess so and you mean - your opponent's hero's defence - your opponent's troops defence? or it's attack
so in creature hunt and MG it's same formula but my opponent's hero's attack and troops become 0
Hunts and MGs have no hero on their side, so they got no bonus from the hero, yes. But don't get it so complicated, in hunts and MG just do a Ctrl + click to see the monster's Attack and Defense and apply them to the formula (and not only in hunts, the stats shown in Ctrl + click give you the final stats of the monster, you must not add the attack of the hero to it).

faction lvl is 0?
Yes, neutrals have no boost in their stats at all.

so no minus?
No minus.

and you mean - your opponent's hero's defence - your opponent's troops defence? or it's attack
This is a hard one, I don't get your point, sorry. Just forget about the hero when applying the formula, the only thing you need to know about the hero is his faction level, nothing else. And by that I mean ... you'll never be able to attack the hero, it's impossible, so the formula will never apply on the hero, so the monsters stats are more than enough for you to apply the formula.
simply, when the opponent has 0 resistance to you and your creature's attack is higher than the target's defense then the damage coefficient is increased for 0,05% per every 1 attack difference (difference between attack and defense is 10 so the coeff is 1,5)
On the other side when defense is higher than attack by e.g. 10 then the coef is 1/1,5 = 0,67
That's why it worth to have higher attack than enemy's defense - by every another attack you get another 5% to the total damage.
hen the damage coefficient is increased for 5% (or 0,05) per every 1 attack difference I mean
k thanx very much guys ^^ and about #5 i mean formula say

"(1+0.05*(Your hero's attack + your troops attack - Your opponent's hero's attack - Your opponent's troops attack)"

isn't it suppose to be "(1+0.05*(Your hero's attack + your troops attack - Your opponent's hero's ""defence"" - Your opponent's troops ""defence"")
for __Mclilzee__: when you are in battle just do left click on creature while holding ctrl or do mouse wheele click on it and you can see the creature's parameters and you dont have to sum hero's attack/defense with creature's one...
#8, no don't put the hero's attack or defense in the formula, just like DaveM said, see the attack of attacking monster, see the defense of the attacked monster, add the hero's fsl of the attacked monster's hero and done :P
oook ^^ <3 thanx
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