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Is it forbidden for a leader 2 allow recruiters 2 keep a part of entry fee ?
You are allowed to reward players who are in the recruiter position with gold, yes.

You are not allowed to reward other players who recruit members into the clan. Only those who are listed next to the recruiters title in your clan may be rewarded.
Yes...The recruiters can keep a part of the gold.
You are not allowed to reward other players who recruit members into the clan. Only those who are listed next to the recruiters title in your clan may be rewarded.
What if I send them gold as gift ?
I still have my 90k gift limit pending for this month, so can i send them gold as gift ?
What if I send them gold as gift ?

you can. Just write in the transfer description 'gift'
I noe tht -_-
U just wanna noe weather its legal or nt
I just wanna noe weather its legal or nt
no... Prefer this :

If the enter fee of your clan is 1 000 Gold and since the admin enter fee is 500 gold, the recruiters can keep from 0 to 500 gold on each player invited, this way there is no gift rule or washing gold and potential pyramid!

Keep this in mind!
3.26.2. Only clan Recruiters may be awarded for bringing newer recruits into the clan. Clan leaders are advised to limit the recruiting duties to official Recruiters.
Clan ranking systems, as well as any relevant rewards, are still legal, if no other rule is broken in the process.

so avoid this rule broken :
3.26. Financial pyramids are forbidden in this game (including creating recruiter networks for clans by promising them part of recruitment fees).

This is why i suggest recruiters to keep part of the enter fee, as long they do not spam others, and forward the enter fee to the treasorer and the leader!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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