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Author57th Survival Tournament - level 4
Post waves and score please.
score - 3170
without arts)
wave 12 with 2 arts: score - 3916
any demon score?
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (1)
Highest score: 4839(Dark Elf)
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
In level 4 for Elf my highest score was about 4300 points.
Please, post the vawes & orbs. Good luck!
vawes are interesting!
4974 - demon
1. - 1 poisoner up/ 5 hobgob down
2. - 9 skelet legionars left and right
3. - 5 bandits up, down, left and right
4. - 5 dryads up and down
5. - 22 imps, up, down, left and right
6. - 6 dryads left, 7 demons down, 2 lodestone golems right
7. - 5 ghouls up, 1 air elemental down, 10 hobgob right
8. - 1 thunderbird, left and right
9. - 6 beholders, left and right
10. - 28 goblins, left, right, up and down
11. - 4 minotaur gladiator left and right, 12 forest keepers up and down
12.-23 golovoreza.
13.-4 Frenzied Griffins from all sides
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (5)
Highest score: [Dark elf] 4799
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
closed by amazed (2012-04-23 14:05:21)
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